Friday, November 16, 2012

Matthew Ellis, Police and Crime Commissioner, Staffordshire

Conservative Colour emblem
The Conservative Party Candidate
Force area:

Matthew Ellis

Election statement:
The role of Police & Crime Commissioner is about new ideas, fresh thinking and 
bringing the public’s view to make policing in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent 
more visible, responsive and accountable to local people.
It’s about freeing police officers from burdensome bureaucracy to do what they 
were trained for – catching criminals, cutting crime and making Staffordshire safer. 
In these difficult times it’s about achieving more policing with fewer resources so 
that crime keeps falling. Is that possible? Yes, it absolutely is!
My background building a business from scratch, strong public service ethos and 
recent responsibility for a £300 million budget at Staffordshire County Council has 
given me the experience and insight needed to be an effective PCC. With so many 
organisations involved in community safety, supporting victims and the wider criminal 
justice system, my experience building complex coalitions across sensitive public 
services would be important to developing a more joined up, effective system.
There are those who simply want to use this election to oppose shrinking budgets 
but I’m focused on Staffordshire’s future and making the most of the money available 
by tackling issues that matter to you.
My priorities include:
Using technology to let police officers be police officers, not stuck behind
Moving resources from detecting crime to preventing it
Treating victims of crime as people, not just a crime number
Tougher policing of prolific offenders if they can’t or won’t reform
Cracking down on irresponsible Licensees, anti-social drinking and
Fast and transparent justice with greater use of restorative measures
I will be a PCC for all of Staffordshire with the experience and determination to 
make sure we have effective and accountable policing across our diverse county. 
Read more at www.tellmatthew.org
Prepared by election agent Abi Brown, Unit 32 Blythe Park, Cresswell, 
Staffordshire ST11 9RD.