Showing posts with label Rutland County Councillor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rutland County Councillor. Show all posts

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Rutland County Councillor Stephen Lambert Fundraising for Hospice UK I'm really going to miss my hair! The Big June Prune

Rutland County Councillor Stephen Lambert Fundraising for Hospice UK 

Stephen Says: I really appreciate that now is a difficult time to be asking for donations, but if you're in a position to do so, please consider donating - https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/stephenlambertshave 

It's a really great cause and I'm really going to miss my hair!

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Lib Dem Rutland County councillor Abigail MacCartney "I feel frankly ashamed unfortunately now to call myself a Russophile."

Lib Dem Rutland County councillor  Abigail MacCartney  "I feel frankly ashamed unfortunately now to call myself a Russophile."

Abigail MacCartney, who met the man responsible for the war in Ukraine around 20 years ago - when he first came to power.

Cllr MacCartney was among other Rutland County Councillors to unanimously approve a motion pledging support for Ukraine.


Friday, November 05, 2021

Rutland county councillor Alan Walters quits Conservative Party

Rutland county councillor Alan Walters quits Conservative Party

Alan Walter (right)

Former Oakham Town Councillor resigned at least three times from that council.

Former Chairman of Labour.

Former Independent County Councillor last night resigned from the Conservative Party.

With the election of the first Labour Councillor since 2003, on the same day the Conservatives now only have 13 Councillors.

Rutland County Council has 27 members. 

13 are Conservatives, 

8 Independents, 

4 Liberal Democrats, 

1 Green Party member.

1 Labour Party member

Saturday, August 07, 2021

A message from Libdem Rutland County Councillor Oakham South By-Election Leaflet for Candidate Paul Browne

A message from Libdem Rutland County Councillor Oakham South By-Election Leaflet for Candidate Paul Browne

Disclaimer for thick people: Various election leaflets are published on my blog for information purposes only. The publication of leaflets should not be seen as my personal support for any candidate affiliated or not to any political party standing for public office. Unless otherwise clearly stated.

I do not support the Conservative or Liberal Democrat in the forthcoming Rutland County Council By-Election.

I hope Cllr Joanna Burrows (Libdem)  finds this disclaimer is satisfactory.

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Adam Lowe, Rutland County Councillor, Oakham Mayor & Joyce Lucas, Oakham Town Council, Oakham Rutland

Adam Lowe, Rutland County Councillor, Oakham Mayor & Joyce Lucas, Oakham Town Council, Oakham Rutland

The publication of the above photographs does not imply
that any of the content of this blog is endorsed by Oakham Town Council

Friday, March 13, 2015

Cllr Gene Plews, Rutland County Councillor, Property Developer?

Cllr Gene Plews, Rutland County Councillor, Property Developer?

Cllr Gene Plews has never declared employment as a property developer.
So why on various on-line profile like Forces Reunited does he claim
he is a property developer?

I received a message from a resident suggesting Cllr Plews is Rutland's
very own "Walter Mitty"

Cllr Plews declares he runs a small gardening business here in Oakham
and now in Stamford. Although people people have often said he
has never actually done any gardening in the area.

Cllr Plews Declaration of Interests:


(i) Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain
NOTE: Give a short description, including the name of your employer or the person who, or body which, appointed you to an office

I operate a small part time gardening business, covering Rutland and
Stamford (self-employed).

My main employment is a full time county councillor for Oakham South

(Added 16 January 2014)
My wife works for the NHS. (Added 16 January 2014)

Watching this evenings report regarding the government's failing to support ex military personnel.

The main and most shocking part of the report was how one former soldier has to crawl up his
stairs to visit the loo. Appalling task for anyone.

Also shocking and no surprise was his comment about the charity Help for Heroes.

Cllr Plews served in Northern Ireland ( Coldstream Guards, drummer, 1977 -1980 )

something I would not have wanted to do.
His appearance in this new article helps explain a lot about him.

It concerns me what serious trouble with the police means? Cllr Plews has never been
pleasant towards me and others.

Cllr Plews has not been very honest, I wonder if  Tories kicked him out.

They fell for his story he told, he said he sold a successful security company he owned.
Although a simple check of companies house proved the published story was not accurate
because the company was dormant at the time he claimed it was sold.
The company was eventually liquidated. Online security publications do refer to Cllr Plews
and that firm based in Wigston,  he often called for the arming of security guards and
was critical of Leicestershire Police. He also suffered bottle attacks as a guard operating 
in Leicestershire something he had previously experienced serving in the Army.

Forces Reunited Profile

Nick Name:Geno
Service Number:24471749

Nick Name:Geno
Service Number:24471749

Regiment 1:Coldstream Guards
Year Joined:1977
Year Left:1980
Where are you now?:After leaving the Army I formed Leicestershires largest independant Security Company before selling to a PLC on May 04-and I am now a property developer semi retired and a local County Councillor.

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Poor Cllr Gene Plews, Rutland County Councillor Spends Public Money To Distribute Personal Cards.

Poor Cllr Gene Plews, Rutland County Councillor Spends Public Money To Distribute Personal Christmas Cards.

It has been revealed today by shocked Rutland County Councillor that Cllr Gene Plews
used taxpayers money to send out personal Christmas Cards.

This has come to light after Ex Tory Councillor Plews publicly accused the Tory Leadership
of illegal activities involving tax payer money.

He must be missing his own generous allowances since he was pushed out of the Tory camp.

I think it is a disgrace that my councillor thinks I and other should pay to send out his Christmas

The card posted to Council members could have been distributed at a meeting or deposited
in the pigeon holes within the members room.

I wonder how the electorate will react to this profligate waste of their money.

It's also good to see Helen Briggs is still supporting her friends like Cllr Plews

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Cllr Gene Plews, Rutland County Councillor, Badgering the Chief Constable, When will this Councillors Harassment Cease

Cllr Gene Plews, Rutland County Councillor, Badgering the Chief Constable, When will this Councillors Harassment Cease

Last year I published images of two Rutland County Council employees on this

Since then my ex Tory Councillor has been attempting to have me arrested by Leicestershire Police.

My home CCTV does not breach any laws and does not over look any neighbouring home
unlike some in the councillors ward. One of his own friends in Woodland view has small
camera which do and are so small they are only visible at night due to the Blue LED IF.

These emails are show as an example of what most Rutland County Councillor do to serve
there community.

Recent email he sent the Chief Constable Simon Cole
Please note the quick response time not something enjoyed by the public

From: Gene Plews

Sent: Saturday, 17 January 2015 15:11

To: 'martinjbrookes@outlook.com'; Cole Simon; Professional Standards; Franklin Paul
Cc: 'alan.duncan.mp@parliament.uk'; Councillors

Dear Chief Constable Cole,

I wrote to you a while ago by email pointing out that Mr Brookes has a personal camera system placed externally on his house wall and near to the front door.

Whilst it may not be a crime to install a personal home camera system, I do question the legality of a picture posted onto his now infamous blog site of 2 senior Rutland County Council Officers (both females) who visited his house last year on Council business who's images and pictures had clearly been frozen sometime beforehand by the camera system facility and subsequent data of such images kept somewhere on site allowing him to then re-post pictures of the 2 women directly onto his blog site with accompanying wording? I believe he may have broken public data protection storage rules involving members of the public and there own personal image rights by installing such a facility for such uses, and the storage of such frozen material used for other alternate image posting purposes directly into the Public domain without the person/s permission? Your clarifications would be welcome in respect of both Public data protection rights, including national data protection storage rules and regulations, Public confidentially and privacy rights being adhered to by the operator (Mr Brookes) and by owner of the camera system, and if the law is being broken in any way? Could I please therefore also ask that as a reassurance to myself and the local community whom I also represent, that a Police visit to Mr Brookes home address is made sooner than later to check all is above board with the systems operation and usage before it reaches a wider concerned Rutland Public and audience please.

This is also a Ward concern involving many other affected members of the Public living locally who I also represent. Many thanks, Cllr Gene Plews (Oakham South East Ward)

The Reply from Simon Cole Leicestershire Chief Constable 

From: Cole Simon [mailto:Simon.Cole@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk]
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2015 03:24 PM
To: Gene Plews; 'martinjbrookes@outlook.com' ; Professional Standards ; Franklin Paul  
Cc: 'alan.duncan.mp@parliament.uk' ; Councillors; Cole Simon  


Thanks for this. Can you please clarify what crime you are seeking to report to the police?

Alleged data protection breaches are the responsibility of the information Commissioner not the police. Your concerns may be best brought to their attention.

Simon Cole QPM
Chief Constable
Leicestershire Police

Even if home CCTV was covered by laws, I could argue the published image was not a CCTV
image because I took it with my personal camera pointing it at the monitor.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Cllr Gene Plews, Rutland County Councillor, Questions Leicestershire Chief Fire Officer, Video

Cllr Gene Plews, Rutland County Councillor, Questions Leicestershire Chief Fire Officer,

Cllr Plews started his questioning with a question that had previously been asked.
The questioning in general at last nights meeting was pointless and the questioning
was coming to an end so I stopped filming the councillor and went home. I probably
missed him asking the chief fire officer if he has considered arming his men and woman.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Cllr Gene Plews, Rutland County Councillor, Suggests Motion to Vote, For No Confidence in Rutland Leicestershire Police Video

Cllr Gene Plews, Rutland County Councillor, Suggests Motion to Vote, For No Confidence in Rutland Leicestershire Police Video

Cllr Plews will be raising his concerns that "Rutland has no enforcement" and he will be notifying the Chief Constable and the £150,000 Police and Crime Commissioner.

I agree with Cllr Plews raising the issue of councillors laughing at the meeting last night. The conduct of many councillors last night was a disgrace.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Cllr Richard Clifton, Conservative, Rutland County Councillor, New Tea Room, Oakham, Rates Caffe Nero Oakham, Rude & Poor Coffee

Cllr Richard Clifton, Conservative, Rutland County Councillor, New Tea Room, Oakham, Rates Caffe Nero Oakham, Rude & Poor Coffee

Lets hope when Cllr Clifton open's his tea room in Mill Street,
Oakham the standards are higher than that he expects from his

Cllr Clifton also well know for wasting public money after
he led a small group of residents in Langham, who put in
a pointless planning application to allow travellers from
the village to move onto a sports field at the former Ashwell
Prison, Even though the travellers were not considering moving.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Gene Plews, Rutland County Councillor, Takes Strike Action

Former Tory Mr (Angry) Gene Plews is refusing to attend Scrutiny Committees.

The Councillor can be heard on Rutland County Councils own web site desbribing the Tory
Leadership as a military junta is very annoyed according to the Rutland Times this week.
since the "military junta" kicked him out the cabinet he has constantly protested in anger of no representation
on the cabinet for Uppingham and Oakham residents. After his crazy outburst at a full council meeting
a Uppingham Councillor was appointed. Until he was kicked of we Oakham representation and it made
no difference to Oakham.

Now the angry councillor is striking by refusing to attend scrutiny meetings.

One good thing is this means the tax payer won't be paying him.

I don't see the point of this strike, surely scrutiny is an important role, especially if you don't trust your
former Tory chums.

This ex Tory thug once lied to the police in a statement stating I had destroyed  Oakham! I guess
I will be blamed for his political suicide.

He was not present at my recent protest held at Rutland County Council, so I am sure he would not have seen my letter that included a call for his resignation for his part in hate crimes committed against me.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Christine Emmett, Corby Loser, Conservative, Rutland County Councillor,Welcome back to the political scrap yard of Rutland.


Welcome back to the political scrap yard of Rutland.

Now please don't lock yourself away in your windmill, get back to helping 
those who elected you in Ketton, whom you have neglected throughout your

And please as Tory you are actually quite nice,  don't let your loss off your ticket
to Westminster turn you into the likes of the mob you sit next to at council meetings.

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Rutland County Councillors - 2011 to 2015 Your County Councillor

Rutland County Councillors - 2011 to 2015
Contact details for your County Councillor(s) who will represent you during

If you have any issues which you would like to discuss with your County Councillor(s), please contact them

Your County Councillor(s) may be pleased to help you.

Mr Edward Baines (Conservative) - MARTINSTHORPE WARD
Wood Lane Farm, Braunston, Oakham, Rutland. LE15 8QZ

Mr Roger B Begy (Conservative) - GREETHAM WARD

25 Main Street, Greetham, Rutland. LE15 7NJ

Mrs Lucy Stephenson (Conservative) - UPPINGHAM WARD
9a High Street West, Uppingham, Rutland, LE15 9QB

Mr Jeffrey T Dale (Independent) - OAKHAM NORTH EAST WARD
12 Station Road, Wing Hollow, Wing, Oakham, LE15 8RY

Mr Alan S Walters (Independent) - OAKHAM NORTH EAST WARD  (Former (Conservative) seat)  
15 Queen's Road, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6ED
Mr William  Cross (Conservative) - BRAUNSTON AND BELTON WARD
Hill Top Farm, Braunston Road, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8UH

Mr Kenneth Bool (Conservative) - NORMANTON WARD (Ward Change former councillor for Uppingham)
Glebe House, 4 Church Farm Close, Exton, Oakham, LE15 8BZ

Mr Richard J Gale (Independent) - OAKHAM NORTH WEST WARD
Meadow Sweet Farm, Knossington Road, Braunston, Oakham, LE15 8QX

Mr Gale Waller (Lib/Dem) - NORMANTON WARD
(Out with old (Lib/Dem) and in with the new (Lib/Dem)
21 Pinfold Lane, South Luffenham, Oakham, Rutland

Mr Colin Forsyth (Independent) - UPPINGHAM WARD
66 Stockerston Road, Uppingham, Rutland.
Charlotte L Jones (Conservative) - RYHALL AND CASTERTON WARD 
20 Plover Road, Essidine, Stamford, Lincs. PE9 4UR

Mr David L Richardson (Independent) - OAKHAM SOUTH WEST WARD
71 Brooke Road, Oakham, Rutland  (a major Conservative loss this seat farewell Mr Jones)

Mr Terry C King (Conservative) - EXTON WARD
3 Debdale, Cottesmore, Rutland, LE15 7BU

Mr Mark Woodcock (Independent) - OAKHAM NORTH WEST WARD
33 Harrington Way, Oakham, Rutland. LE15 6SE

Mr Brian A Montgomery (Independent) - WHISSENDINE WARD
19 Hall Close, Whissendine, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 7HL

Mr Marc A Oxley (Lib/Dem) - UPPINGHAM WARD
3 Pleasant Terrace, Adderley Street, Uppingham, Oakham, LE15 9QW

Mr Chris A Parsons (Conservative) - RYHALL AND CASTERTON WARD
Poachers Rest, Newstead Lane, Stamford, Lincs PE9 4SA

Mr Gene Plews (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH EAST WARD
4 Mill Street, Duddington, Stamford, PE9 3QG

Mr Hugh E G Rees (Conservative) - KETTON WARD
The Windmill, Morcott, Rutland, LE15 9DQ

Mr David C Hollis (Conservative) - COTTESMORE WARD
The Roost, 49 Main Street, Cottesmore, Oakham, LE15 7DH

Mr Martyn Dietrich Alexander (Conservative) - COTTESMORE WARD
Home Farm House, Barrow, Oakham, Rutland. LE15 7PE

Mr Barrie W Roper (Conservative) - KETTON WARD
47 Kilburn End, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6LW

Mr James M Lammie (Conservative) - LYDDINGTON WARD
14 Main Street, Seaton, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 9HU

Mr Nicholas Mark Wainwright (Independent) - LANGHAM WARD  (he dumped the (Conservative) badge)
4 The Dell, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6GJ

Mrs Joanna Figgis  (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH WEST WARD (A real Conservative lady, wife of Oakham Schools Deputy Head some how I don't think she will be seen rolling around Oakham's Streets http://martinbrookes.blogspot.com/2011/05/how-rutland-conservatives-celebrated.html)
College House, Church Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6PH

Mr Jonathan Munton (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH EAST WARD
6 Brookes Close, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6GD

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rutland County Councillor, Mrs Heather Wells Conservative OAKHAM SOUTH WEST WARD says she would rather work with Robert Mugabe

Mrs Heather Wells (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH WEST WARD  says she would rather work with Robert Mugabe than work with Mr Roger B Begy (Conservative) - GREETHAM WARD  (Leader of the Council)

Mrs Wells and her husband are stepping down at the May elections.

Why wait till May?

Mr Wells has asked me not to publish this comments made at a public meeting of Rutland County Council last night. He said it would be very damaging for him.

This type of person is as far as I am concerned a typical Rutland Conservative. MP Alan Duncan really needs to sort out this local party.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Rutland County Councillor, Cpt Vijay Dighe, Conservative, OAKHAM NORTH EAST WARD, is a litter bug

Rutland County Councillor, Vijay Dighe, Conservative,  OAKHAM NORTH EAST WARD, is a litter bug

Whilst waiting at the reception of Rutland County Council I noticed Councillor Vijay Dighe returning to his car, before getting into his car he took paper from his pocket and threw into the flower bed.

He then started smoking he finished drove of and leaving the litter.

I went out and picked up his litter.

Conservative County Councillors like Mr Dighe seem to think rules don't apply to them, smoking outside the designated area in front of the Councils CCTV shows his complete contempt for the rules they enforce upon the staff and public.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Tory Rutland County Councillor Nick Wainwright "I find the political machinations of RCC abhorrent."

 "I find the political machinations of RCC abhorrent." strong words from County Councillor Nick Wainwright.

He goes on to say 
This is why I have dissociated myself from Council Leader Roger Begy, Councillor Terry King and Councillor Peter Jones. 

Certainly a good move, these Tory drunken bullies who control Rutland need to be exposed and voted out on May 5th.

And maybe the new Council can dispose of the Chief Executive Helen Briggs who constantly bullies members of the public.

Cllr Nick Waingright says

I have suffered the wrath of both the Leader and his entourage and the Chief Executive and her officers. 

 I have also been told by a senior Assistant Air Chief Marshall he does not want to be associated with Roger Begy.

The Local Tory Mob spread the most revolting untruths about me. They also say I am mad and nothing I say is true.

Now one of there own Conservative Councillor Nick Wainwright is saying the same.

Others wont say it publicly but I do, at the public meeting a smart man sat saying here he comes, look at the state of him, fat, scruffy and look at his dirty nail! he brings shame on our council. The man was talking about the leader Roger Begy. I asked the man why he does not make his views know publicly and his reply was we relie on him for our funding.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Wainwright
To: 'Martin Brookes Oakham Rutland'
Sent: Fri, Feb 18, 2011 9:14 am
Subject: I am curious

I am curious.  I understand from a number of sources that you have been posting comments about me on your web site  which are to put it mildly, far from complimentary.    I am curious to know what I may have done to offend you?  I have done my best as a County Councillor over the course of the past 3 ¾ years to represent the views of the people of Rutland.  I find the political machinations of RCC abhorrent.  This is why I have dissociated myself from Roger Begy, Terry King and Peter Jones.  I do not think and never have that Party Politics plays any part in County Council matters.  We are here to serve the people.  To this end I have always tried and quite often succeeded in solving problems for people, even though in doing so I have suffered the wrath of both the Leader and his entourage and the Chief Executive and her officers.  I am a great supported of Richard Gale as I am sure you are aware and we share many common ideas,, the most important of which is that we want the County Council to represent the people of Rutland and not to serve the needs of a selective group.  It is not an Old Boys/Gils Club.
So why, given that we have never crossed swords or had any form of disagreement either in public or private would you chose to write in the way that people say you have written about me on your blog?  If I have offended you in some way, please let me know and I will try and rectify the wrong.
Kind regards
Nick Wainwright
Nick Wainwright
)   +44 750 150 5274
'  +44 157 275 5313
:   +44 203 289 7772
4 The Dell, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6JG
P Please don't print this email unless you really need to.