Friday, March 13, 2015

Cllr Gene Plews, Rutland County Councillor, Property Developer?

Cllr Gene Plews, Rutland County Councillor, Property Developer?

Cllr Gene Plews has never declared employment as a property developer.
So why on various on-line profile like Forces Reunited does he claim
he is a property developer?

I received a message from a resident suggesting Cllr Plews is Rutland's
very own "Walter Mitty"

Cllr Plews declares he runs a small gardening business here in Oakham
and now in Stamford. Although people people have often said he
has never actually done any gardening in the area.

Cllr Plews Declaration of Interests:


(i) Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain
NOTE: Give a short description, including the name of your employer or the person who, or body which, appointed you to an office

I operate a small part time gardening business, covering Rutland and
Stamford (self-employed).

My main employment is a full time county councillor for Oakham South

(Added 16 January 2014)
My wife works for the NHS. (Added 16 January 2014)

Watching this evenings report regarding the government's failing to support ex military personnel.

The main and most shocking part of the report was how one former soldier has to crawl up his
stairs to visit the loo. Appalling task for anyone.

Also shocking and no surprise was his comment about the charity Help for Heroes.

Cllr Plews served in Northern Ireland ( Coldstream Guards, drummer, 1977 -1980 )

something I would not have wanted to do.
His appearance in this new article helps explain a lot about him.

It concerns me what serious trouble with the police means? Cllr Plews has never been
pleasant towards me and others.

Cllr Plews has not been very honest, I wonder if  Tories kicked him out.

They fell for his story he told, he said he sold a successful security company he owned.
Although a simple check of companies house proved the published story was not accurate
because the company was dormant at the time he claimed it was sold.
The company was eventually liquidated. Online security publications do refer to Cllr Plews
and that firm based in Wigston,  he often called for the arming of security guards and
was critical of Leicestershire Police. He also suffered bottle attacks as a guard operating 
in Leicestershire something he had previously experienced serving in the Army.

Forces Reunited Profile

Nick Name:Geno
Service Number:24471749

Nick Name:Geno
Service Number:24471749

Regiment 1:Coldstream Guards
Year Joined:1977
Year Left:1980
Where are you now?:After leaving the Army I formed Leicestershires largest independant Security Company before selling to a PLC on May 04-and I am now a property developer semi retired and a local County Councillor.