Showing posts with label Emma McClarkin MEP & Stephen Castens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emma McClarkin MEP & Stephen Castens. Show all posts

Saturday, May 03, 2014

Emma McClarkin MEP & Stephen Castens, Conservatives, East Midlands, European Elections 2014, Leaflet, Photographs, Video, Oakham, Rutland

The publication of this post is purely for information purposes and does not express support for the East Midlands Conservatives.

Today The East Midlands Conservatives visited Oakham seeking votes for the Euro 2014 Elections.

Conservative MEP Emma McClarkin was campaining in Oakham with Stephen Castens.

There are three other Conservative candidates: Brenden Clarke-Smith, Andrew Lewer, William Hague MP
and Rupert Mathews

Christine Emmett Tory Rutland County Councillor and loser of the Corby 2012 By-election, kindly introduced me to Emma. Christine is one of the more people friendly Rutland Tories. She told Emma I had a keen interest in local political matters and even at times hold my own protests. If only all Rutland Tories were like Christine. I told Emma I considered Christine to be a good councillor and a modern Tory unlike some of the rotten old Tory farts who sit on the council. Christine kindly told Emma, Martin is sometimes a little outspoken.

Melton Blue Tweets utter crap all these Conservatives did, was walk around and politley say hi to shoppers and handed them leaflets if they wanted to accept one. Most people accepted, a few refused and mumbled on their way off. Of course there were the important Rutland Tories who stopped to chat for much longer membership clearly has its rewards!

Conservative Candidates MEP Emma McClarkin and Stephen Castens.

Emma making a purchase from an Oakham School charity stall.

Election Leaflet.

Emma did not think it would be appropriate for me to photograph her holding
a bunch of straight Euro bananas, wise really Tory headquarters may have gone