Saturday, December 13, 2014

Cllr Adam Lowe, Oakham Christmas Tree "Facebook Campaign Overkill" Not What he said on the BBC News Video

Cllr Adam Lowe, Oakham Christmas Tree "Facebook Campaign Overkill" Not What he said on the BBC News Video

At Wednesday's council meeting, Councillor Adam Lowe gave a report to members about the
Christmas tree.

He described the Facebook campaign, which saw a local garden centre donate a tree as "Overkill"

During a interview on BBC East Midland Today, he said the Council would listen to the public.

Utter rubbish his comment shows they found the campaign a irritant and if the local garden
centre had not donated another tree, they would have ignored the campaign.

They have ignored comments about the tree and lights for many years.

The video shows Cllr Lowe making the comment at the council meeting and his BBC interview.

The unwanted Christmas tree was donated a friend Cllr Vincent Howard
who runs Oakham fire station.