Sunday, June 17, 2018

Oakham Town Clerk, Cllr Adam Lowe, Oakham Town Partnership Update

After work I popped into Cutts Close and was shouted at by the Mayor and Chairman of Oakham Town Council and Rutland County Council.

Apparently I had misunderstood his comments regarding some one suing Oakham Town Partnership.
The are not being sued over a bouncy castle incident but something else.

He also shouted that many members of the public had read my blog and contacted him because
I have called the clerk a liar. which is a true fact.

What I find frustrating is this constant concern for the clerk and how she might feel when she reads it.

The time has come for this crap council to be concerned about how I feel after all it was me who had to spend hours of my own time and loss of earnings proving to the police the Clerk is a liar.
Hours of my friends time was also given freely driving me to Market Harborough Police Station.
Then there is the thousands of pounds in legal fee paid for by the tax payers again.
It was also me, who if I had not been able to prove Ms Allison Greaves was a liar would have had to
go to court and face the possibility of a prison sentence all because this deranged clerk played a very dangerous game with the former Mayor Mr Michael Haley and a few other Oakham Town Councils.
She and them need to be held accountable for their disgusting actions.

maximum prison sentences for stalking  5 to 10 years

It is a great shame Leicestershire Police have chosen not to take any action against the clerk.
jokingly they expect Oakham Town Council to take some sort of action.

Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2018 at 5:41 PM
From: "Martin Brookes"
To: "Martin Brookes" , "Joyce Lucas" , "Peter Ind" , "Adam Lowe"
Cc: "Allison Greaves" , "Anne Skipworth" , "David Romney" , "Nick Woodley" , "Paul Buxton" , "Sally-Anne Wadsworth" , "Jean Denyer" , "Daniel Bottomley"
Subject: Cutts Close
Dear Cllr  Adam Lowe
Many thanks for shouting at me in public this afternoon. I have become accustomed to being the council doormat or punch bag, once again many thanks.
You are correct I waited until after the council had lifted 'sanctions' on Wednesday this was after receiving advice from my Solicitor and friends.
As a former Leicestershire Police Special you must be aware of the serious consequences I was subjected to when the clerk lied to the police.
She lied and accused me of being a stalker, if I had been convicted I could have been sent to prison.

You ask what do I think the Clerk will do when she reads my blog post. The answer is simple if the clerk has any shred of decency she would resign.

You say you are unaware of any formal complaint from me regarding the clerks gross misconduct because you were not chairman at the time 
I sent it to the whole council, perhaps you can ask the clerk for another copy.

Another member sums this up nicely if the boot was on the other foot and you or any other member was subjected to such disgusting conduct 
from the clerk you would not tolerate it.

Since you have become a Rutland County Councillor and the Chairman of Oakham Town Council I abd others have appreciated your new professional
approach and I trust today was just a glitch and you in your role as chairman will ensure the clerks poor conduct is dealt with in an appropriate way 
according to the councils disciplinary procedure.

As for the matter of the Town Partnership and the bouncy castle legal action, I am happy to post a correction stating you did not say bouncy castle
and did not divulge the reason some one is suing the Town Partnership. I hope you can understand the confusion as you raised it at the point 
you said we had to be cautious about our own bouncy castles because some one was suing the Town Partnership for something that happened at
the late night shopping event. 


Cllr Martin Brookes

Cllr Adam Lowe clarification: email so I don't get it wrong.

I have always said the restrictions Oakham Town Council imposed upon me last
year were through to this year were sanctions. I now have two emails from two 
chairman's who clearly describe them as sanctions. I strongly believe Oakham Town
Council has acted unlawfully no council has to power to impose sanctions.

This line makes no sense:
' the Council at the time were not, due to resolution, conducting any communication with you and as such for me to undertake or request any copies of any of those communications would be a breach of the Council resolution, ' 
The council sanction actually said I had to put all communication in writing and not email which I did.

Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2018 at 6:02 PM
From: "Adam Lowe"
To: "Martin Brookes"
Subject: Formal Complaint

Cllr Brookes

For clarification , I am only aware that the OTP have a complaint and potential legal action due to a trip hazard causing injury at a LNS event, a member of the public mentioned it to me believing I was on OTP and asking what I knew, clearly I could not comment, however it did highlight the issue around PLI and RISK assessments, all of which OTC do abide by and insist on.

I must say I am disappointed in what you have disclosed in your email, however it does not impact on me as I have stood by what I said I would set out to do even before I became the Chairman, that was address the issue over the sanctions.

I have no regrets that they were bought to Council and they were lifted, it was still the correct outcome for every one concerned.

To clarify the last issue regarding any formal complaint that you have raised, the Council at the time were not, due to resolution, conducting any communication with you and as such for me to undertake or request any copies of any of those communications would be a breach of the Council resolution, also if as you state your sent these to all Councillors, this would also be in breach of the guidance that we operate and are meant to abide by and I will not consider any complaint that is made public or shared with Councillors, I will treat all such communication with the same contempt in which they have been delivered, treating them as a vexatious communication, in short I will not respond to or acknowledge such forms of communication.

If you feel you have grounds for a complaint then I would request you submit as per the guidelines within our polices, stating what is the complaint, who it is against, giving dates and times of the conduct and where possible provide evidence accordingly.

Last point, I have to keep reminding you, as you keep reminding me, I am only the Chairman, the same as any other Councillor, I have not been approached or asked to apologise to you by the Council, if you feel that the Council as a whole should issue you an apology I would suggest you submit an agenda item requesting such action is taken.

Adam Lowe

Cllr Adam Lowe    Assoc CIPD