Monday, June 18, 2018

What is the disease that effects Oakham Town Council Mayors?

What is the disease that effects Oakham Town Council Mayors?

Today I received a number of emails from a former Mayor Mr Michael Haley.

Why do former Mayors think my employer would be interested in what I do as a Councillor
or what I say on my blog.

Mr Haley is a little upset that I mention him as being involved or should I say colluded with the
the Clerk, which resulted in her lying to the police about me.

18/06/2018, 4:31 pm MJhaley wrote:

Dear Mr Brookes

Thank you for reminding me that you blogged your malicious, defamatory slander as a blogger not a Councillor although you clearly have chosen to disregard the Nolan Principles. You are also an employee of Tesco’s and I am a Tesco customer. Obviously it is for Tesco’s senior management to decide if they are happy with the way an employee acts in his/her own time, once they are aware.



Michael Haley