Thursday, February 16, 2012

Local Development Framework Site Responses Rutland County Council

Local Development Framework Site Responses Rutland County Council

Following public consultation during September – November 2011, the Council has published a summary of responses received on the Local Development Framework (LDF) ‘Site Allocations and Policies Issues and Options’ document.
The purpose of the document is to identify specific sites to be allocated for housing and other types of development and also to set out detailed planning policies for determining planning applications in Rutland.
In total about 950 responses were received and the main issues included:
  • Support for the focus of development in the towns and some of the larger villages
  • Significant concerns about overall level of development and scale of some of the sites put forward including significant objections to proposed sites for gypsies and travellers and affordable housing sites in Braunston in Rutland.  The landowner promoting the site for gypsies and travellers has now withdrawn the site and will no longer be considered for such purposes through the process
  • New sites put forward for housing, affordable housing  and other uses
  • Several requests to amend existing village development boundaries
  • Majority agreed with providing additional employment land on a number of smaller sites around the County
  • Further guidance requested on wind turbines development
  • Several suggestions for extending the boundary of the Rutland Water policy area
  • Support for identifying new sites for waste management through a combination of identifying sites and a criteria based approach
The location of the new sites put forward can be viewed in the summary of responses document and these will be assessed as part of the new stage in the LDF process.
The next stage in the LDF process is for the Council to assess the responses and to carry out a technical assessment of all of the existing and new sites put forward before publishing the preferred list of sites for development and policies for further consultation by September/October 2012.
A small proportion of the sites put forward will be required to meet the future development of Rutland of the LDF Site Allocation process.
Councillor Terry King commented: “It’s important that people realise that the Council is only required to provide about 390 dwellings (or 24 dwellings per year) out of total of approximately 3000 dwellings put forward in the larger villages (local services centres) over the next 15 years”.
Councillor King added: “The majority of sites within the response document will not end up being developed.  Sites that are likely to be used will be clearly identified by the Council at the next ‘Preferred Options’ Stage.  ”

View/Download the: LDF Site Allocations and Policies Summary of Consultation

The document can also be inspected at the Rutland County Council Offices in Oakham and at libraries in Oakham, Uppingham, Ketton and Ryhall during normal opening hours.