Monday, February 27, 2012

Rutland Conservative Councillor Gene Plews Homeless?

Conservative Councillor Gene Plews Homeless?

My ward Councillor Gene Plews who uses public systems paid for with public money to send political-tit-for-tat e-mails, may be homeless according to a source at Rutland County Council.

The Councillor said they are unhappy that Conservative Councillor Gene Plews has lived in a village in Northamptonshire since being re-elected last year. The Councillor said, he does not work or reside in
Rutland so he is not eligible to hold onto his seat. He was then told Cllr Plews has since moved from the village.

I am told Mr Plews advertises in the local press for work as a gardener and this helps him cling onto his seat.

The Council website gives his current address as:

Mr Gene Plews (Cons)
Democratic Services
Rutland County Council
Rutland LE15 6HP
Mobile: 07999 649 824
email: gplews@rutland.gov.uk