Monday, March 26, 2012

Leicestershire Constabulary Special Constables Recruitment Seminar report

Leicestershire Constabulary Special Constables Recruitment Seminar report

A female Special based at Oakham
A male Special based at Melton Mowbray
I have previously photographed him guarding the 
Christmas tree at Melton

Just over 20 people attended the seminar held at Rutland County Museum, about half those in attendance were from the Oakham Rutland area.

The seminar was started by Leicestershire Recruitment Manager Caroline Neil.

She pointed out the minimum criteria required by applicants, there was a long list of things that would exclude an applicant and a notice saying you could leave at anytime, if you did not meet the criteria. Everyone remained seated. I can't imagine anyone wanting to leave, with everyone looking and wondering is it a county court judgement or a conviction for murder five years ago?

Applicants are expected to have a body mass index of 15.5 to 24.9

and eyesight uncorrected 6/36 bimolecularly.

more info can be found here

The seminar was then handed over to Chief Superintendent Geoff Feavyour.

He explained the importance of Special Constable to the force. Also how he sees Leicestershire Constabulary as a Diverse Force, that treats people with decency and respect.

A keen Leicester City Supporter, not a requirement of applicants but it would help if you were, he joked.

We were treated to some role play and if future cuts meant the Super found he had lost his job, a acting career  beckons, he could play a good villain in Shameless .

Then it was the turn of Caroline once again, she explained Competences required, The Recruitment and Training Process.

Three specials were invited to tell all, this included the best and worst of their roles.

After this people chatted informally, with police officers. Oakham people spoke with Oakhams Sergeant Ditcher and PC Lloyd shown below. 

A very interesting evening I am sure a few application forms will be completed. I have no idea how long the event lasted but it was dark when we all departed.