Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Oakham Town Council Public Consultation Open Victoria Hall Oakham Royce recreation Ground Plans Photos

Oakham Town Council Public Consultation Open, Victoria Hall Oakham Royce recreation Ground Plans Photos

Your chance to tell the council want you want and do you want them to borrow?

One of the sensible intelligent councillors, explained the benefit of the loan to
me, spreading the cost means, if you are a tax payer now, you are paying
for the service now and if you move away you of course you wont be paying 
for a service you don't use.
If  the council does not borrow and pays outright this year, you have paid for a service 
you don't use if you move, I think that makes sense or he is just a goods salesman?
(I must point out we had this conversation after I completed my slips so no rules 
of undue pressure were broken by the councillor)

Below are the plans from all the companies asked to 
quote. None according to the Clerk matched his
criteria request. I guess in the end that is a good
thing, there would be little point in choice if they
were all the same. You can click on images to enlarge.

an explanation from the Town Council

Don't forget to leave your name on the visitors sheet. This consultation is open to all residents of Oakham
if the project goes ahead you will all be paying for it so don't miss out your chance to have your say.

There will be a road show in  the ward on location Princess Avenue

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor are you Councillors for that ward.

There is a comment box for you, to deposit your slips.
You don't have to put your name, but I am 
sure if your a little controversial or disagree with the councils plans
every attempt will be made to match your handwriting
to the attendance sheet and passed to
the councillor responsible for dishing out harassment.