Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rutland County College, Roger Begy Post 16 Education

Tory Rutland County Council Leader wrote a letter to the Rutland Times suggesting those involved in Post 16
education might like to chat with him and his council. Why? is not because of him and his Tory Chums Rutland Post 16 education finds itself in its current mess. All the Schools that deserted the Council  were also invited to chat.

Poor old Roger with so many services lost to other County Councils it doesn't leave him a lot to do accept write begging letters via the the local press.

I am sure all those responsible for Rutland's Post 16 education will get along fine minus the Tory meddling from Rutland County Council.

Just a thought why don't they take an interest in the local police and the new police commissioner they I am sure will be lost without the assistance of Barrie Roper?

It is interesting to learn what is legal and honest for a Tory Council.

Tell central government your going to build a new state splendid college for Rutland take the money 
and spend a undisclosed sum buying a second hand building. Get your Tory building company to clad it and tart it up.

Of course Rutland did once own a large site up the road but some year ago they sold it for peanut to a company for peanuts. Over the years that company changed and the existing is pulling out of Rutland and hoping to sell the land to a developer and pocket a tidy profit. 

The Rutland Times published something about a gift / sum of money to be received by the council if the sale is successful. Which seemed to prompt a large supermarket to pull out of negotiations.

I wonder why Rutland County Council did not offer to buy back the site?

A local councillor told me the whole situation is a mess and during a conversation he expressed his dismay
with the Council and used the word corruption when talking about another local development, He said the Council is constantly moaning it has no money, but only very recently it decided to give up some publicly owned access rights to a developer, for free while a local voluntary group is to sell its rights and take the money they are entitled to. Surely any responsible council would want to maximise its income from the sale of public property? Is there not a saying nothing is ever free. 

I wonder what the council has been offered in return for the freebie?

They could learn a lot of the clerk at Oakham Town Council, in a conversation this week he asked me if I had heard of the term ransom strip, when a small piece of land owned by Oakham Town Council came up in conversation.