Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cllr Charles Haworth illegal parking and abusive to member of public after his dogs attack a dog in Cutts Close Oakham

Cllr Charles Haworth illegal parking and abusive to member of public after his dogs attack a dog in Cutts Close Oakham

I decided to pop out for a quiet walk in the park on this nice evening.

I spotted the car above illegally parked full of rubbish and 70s Disco CD's on the dash. I took the photograph not knowing it was one of Oakham Town Councillor Charles Haworth's cars.

There has been a problem recently, young drivers using the park with scooters and cars annoying local residents. So I was somewhat surprised to find this car belongs to a Councillor, but then as I have pointed out many times in the past rules clearly don't apply to our local councillors.

Any way I continued on walking and noticed a large man with two dogs out of control attacking another dog. The large man  as got closer, I recognised as Cllr Haworth he was shouting  abuse at the man, when he should have been saying sorry for his dogs behaviour.  He dragged his dogs of to his car accusing the man
of stalking him, Now where have I heard that before? There is clearly something wrong with the Councillor and for some reason he is protected from the law, by the local  law enforcers.

I spoke to the man he was very visibly shaken by the incident. I told him the gentleman was his local councillor. And he was typical of what one can expect from the thugs who run our town.

At first he did not believe I was telling the truth, how could a man so rude be a councillor? A good question I thought. I have been asking that same question for the last 2 years or more. Any time Mr  Haworth opens his mouth to me it inevitably results in him using a vocabulary and diction used by the vilest of thugs.

Cllr Haworth has also been illegally fly posting the town, I do hope he has read his friends, Cllr Lucas article in the Rutland Times, she is very critical about fly posters spoiling out town and county.

I wonder how much longer the town has to suffer this man who is permitted to lie to the police and continually be rude to anyone that pleases him.

What I witnessed was disgraceful and bullying behaviour tonight. I now wait for Leicestershire Constabulary to charge me with photographing the Councillors Car in a public place without its consent.

It should not be forgotten none of Oakham Town Councils, Councillors were elected by the people. It is surely time people stood up and disposed of this rubbish.

When you look at the finances of the council and see only around 20% of the tax payers money is spent on things for the benefit of the tax payer ie the residents and 80% is spent on the admin of this self selecting elite club surely the time has arrived to question the need for this councils existence.

I was wondering if we could get rid of a few of our Councillors by using the misrepresentation of people act?