Friday, June 01, 2012

Alan Duncan Rutland & Melton MP at Rutland Youth Council Rutland, County Council, Photographs

Alan Duncan Rutland & Melton MP

I was hoping to attend and report on the Rutland Youth Councils meeting held at Rutland County Council, A chance for some of many of Rutland's intelligent students from schools and Rutland County College to grill our MP Alan Duncan. Unfortunately the youth council is led by Cllr Gene Plews, so I received  an e-mail from a unknown Rutland  County Council employee:

Dear Martin

I understand that you have requested permission to attend the Youth Surgery this morning.  Unfortunately that will not be possible as it is not an open public meeting. 


Jill Haigh | Assistant Director (Interim)
Rutland County Councildvertising
Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
t: 01572 758492 | f: 01572 720971 | e-mail: jhaigh@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk

I am not sure why the event was given so much media advertising. 

A disappointment. some time ago I attended an event at a local college where the students were very professional and  intelligent,  If the same level was transferred to  the local council chamber this morning, it is not surprising the council barred the doors to the public. One doesn't often see the same level at a typical council meeting, although we often learn about Cllr Plews connections to the SAS and the world  of security, he once controlled. Of these days he is restricted to less strenuous activity, involving his gardening duties. 

MP Alan Duncan was looking very smart
along with his very patriotic umbrella
Very appropriate for this Jubilee season.
Oakham Town Councillor Joyce Lucas former mayor
said recently in the Rutland Times 
she has purchased one, 
so I must do my best not to confuse her as our MP.

Catmos College Students were very late.