Monday, June 25, 2012

Cllr Joyce Lucas The White Strawberry Rutland Times Oakham Festival

Those who follow my blog will have seen its been a busy weekend for photography for me as I attempted to catch the Festival Highlights

I am grateful to Joy for allowing me access to ticketed events. People have had fun so far during rainy spells as well as sunny spells. Even the one who called me a waste of space previously has raised a smile or two towards me this year.

Ex Conservative Councillor Peter Jones, was most hospitable on Friday sharing some of his wine with me, thanks.

On Saturday the Lord Lieutenant also shared a drink (soft drink) with me.

There has been a noticeable absence of Town Councillors Since Friday's launch party. Accept for this afternoon, I attended what was meant to be a enjoyable singing workshop. I thought it had been cancelled, no it had just been moved inside. When I entered Cllr Lucas turned a looked at me. I believe they say something along the lines of if looks could kill, that would be the best description. 

When I took photographs of Katie and the group, I made sure I avoided Cllr Lucas, I did not want her wasting any more of Inspector Kam Mystry's valuable time!

As Cllr Lucas kept giving me the evil eye, I decided not to join the group and sat at the other end of the hall to listen and enjoy the others singing.

Cllr Lucas constantly kept turning and looking at me, as if I was shit on her shoe! so I took the photo above
a departed and  returned to see Katie's performance.

The photo shows Cllr Lucas left turning to look at me whilst the others concentrated on their singing.

Moving on, in this week Rutland Times Councillor Lucas writes more garbage and finished with:

"I now read ..... white strawberries are now on sale... Ugh!" Joyce Lucas 21st June 2012 Rutland Times,

It would seem Cllr Lucas has been sending all kinds of folk mad this week, with her constant moans about the white strawberry plant. I wonder what Leicestershire Constabulary can do to assist her? arrest the grower?

I was handed a poem? by one such person afflicted by her story.

The author said, they wanted to publish a comment on Oakham People, they fear the censorship on that
site has reached a all time high. So they have asked me to publish it.

It would appear the Mafia styled Oakham Town Partnership is unhappy with public being critical. Because the one person paid to contribute by Northcliffe Media appears to be unhappy about the situation and publishes the comments  have been removed after complaints were received. Oakham People really need to remove the invitation for people to write anything, including if you are annoyed with your council, because it is a lie! as the few who have contributed soon found out. It is apparent users can only say very nice things.

Any way, here is the Poem or Limerick? I have been asked to publish about Cllr Lucas and the white strawberry.

You're right Joyce strawberries aren't meant to be white,
But the little darlings in scarlet bright,
saw you coming and shook with fright.
They blanched, the colour drained; oh what a sight.
Now that's the true story of this fruit's plight
T'was Joyce Lucas turned the strawberry white!