Monday, June 25, 2012

Limericks on the occasion of the Crown Prosecution Service dropping the case against Martin Brookes and his blog

Limericks on the occasion of the Crown Prosecution Service dropping the case against Martin Brookes and his blog

I and other were given copies of this Limerick distributed at the Oakham Festival weekend:

They wanted to close down his blog,
Asked Google in a red fog.
Google sent them away
"Not illegal?" they say
"A court order will close down his blog."

To the police went (Cllr) Joyce Lucas
Mid tears and much snotty mucas
"He's burnt all his fences
Blogging my expenses
Areest him now," cried Joyce Lucas

Husband Bob came trolling along
"Joyce my dear I'll be your King Kong.
A legal decision
won't land him in prison
But it'll give his trolls a new song."

"Don't worry," said Jim Harrison
"I'll join your little garrison,
We need some collusion
For his execution
I'm your man!" Fearful Saracen

"I'm ex SAS" said (Cllr) Gene Plews,
"Adept at applying thumb screws,
Friends with (outgoing police authority Chairman) Barry Roper
brookes is a no hoper
With both of on side he'll lose,"

"Count me in too," cooed (Cllr) (Deputy Mayor) Adam Lowe,
"It's such fun to go with the flow,
My harassment order
Pales 'gainst Laura Norder
A CRASBO will be a big blow."

To the police went both (ex Mayor and Criminology student and his devoted wife) Beeches
To try illegal procedures
But criminology
Failed the psychology
It was quite beyond these sad creatures.

They asked (Cllr) Haworth to join their throng,
he refused saying "I'm not strong,
after mince pie gate
You'll have to wait,
My stalking accusations proved wrong."

They told (Laundry Worker) Black he was a peado
Assured her he'd get a CRASBO
Amidst gossip with beer
They whispered, "He's queer
You owe (Cllr) John Nowell a CRASBO."

So Black, Harrison, Lowe and Plews
Beech, Lucas allied to acuse,
With Sgt Ditcher away
They turned on their prey,
Inspector Kam Mystery agreed to their ruse.

I wrote to give Syria the news
And Assad is having the blues.
Eat your heart out assad
Oakham's bigger bastards,
Now his Special Adviser is (Cllr) Plews

When CPS reviewed the file
They detected colluding guile
This straw they wouldn't clutch
Kicked the case into touch
Said, "His accusers must be senile,"

This is a tale of charges trumoed up.
If you choose with the devil to sup,
Far better in Oakham
For bloggers... they'll poke'em
And Assad can't make bloggers shut up.