Thursday, June 14, 2012

National Carers Week 2012 Rutland

National Carers Week 2012

Carers Week LogoCarers from across Rutland are getting ready for some well deserved rest and relaxation as part of National Carers Week (18-24 June).

A ‘Pamper and Wellbeing Day’ for Carers is being held at Oakham Congregational Church Hall on Tuesday 19 June between 10am and 3pm.
A range of pamper treatments, funded by Age UK, will be available free of charge, including neck & shoulder massage, hand massage, reflexology, and Indian head massage. 
An information event is also taking place outside Tesco in Oakham on Thursday 21 June between 9am and 3pm.

Councillor Christine Emmett, Portfolio Holder for Health and Social Care commented: “National Carers Week highlights the vital contribution made by carers to their families and communities in providing unpaid care for someone who is ill, frail or disabled.  The campaign this year is focussed on getting greater support for unpaid carers to help them continue in their caring role without facing ill health, stress or financial worry”.
Christine Emmett added: “Many carers in Rutland suffer due to a lack of understanding about what they do – some don’t even recognise themselves as carers. This can have a real and negative impact on their health, finances, working and social life, and general wellbeing.  Our Carers Week events aim to provide support and advice for carers who may feel isolated”.

The ‘Pamper and Wellbeing Day’ is to reward Carers for their hard work in a demanding role as well as providing information and advice.  It also encourages Carers to keep healthy and to ask their GP for regular health checks.
There will be a light buffet lunch funded by Parkinson's UK, refreshments funded by Rutland Community Spirit, and cakes provided by Rethink Mental Illness.
Blood pressure checks and health advice will be available from a Community Nurse from Oakham Practice. In addition, the GP Practice Manager from Empingham Practice will be giving Carers advice on services available, booking procedures etc. within a practice.

There will also be information stands from Rutland County Council (Carers Team, Safeguarding, Direct Payments), Rethink Mental Illness, TOFU Young Carers Services, Rutland Community Spirit, Rutland Link, Spire Telecare Services, Meals on Wheels (will be sampling their meals), Parkinson's UK, Age UK, Voluntary Action Rutland, Energy Action.

Carers Week is organised by a partnership of eight national charities: Age UK, Carers Trust, Carers UK, Independent Age, Macmillan Cancer Support, Marie Curie Cancer Care, MS Society and Parkinson’s UK.
For more information about the events and activities taking place as part of Carers Week, visit