Thursday, June 28, 2012

Time Team Cutts Close Oakham Rutland Phil Harding Last Day Photographs

Time Team Cutts Close Oakham Rutland  Last Day Photographs

A comment was made today which I found offensive. I was told because I climb a slope on public land
to capture images for people to view later I am strange and even weird and stalking.

I am told people enjoy my photographs so I guess it is a small price to pay.

It does make one feel a little paranoid, so even though Cutts Close is a public place I asked permission to take these photographs.

I was even asked who is paying me. I guess that is a bit strange, that some one is willing to give up their time to photograph for nothing in return accept to know people may enjoy the result.

I was also told I was ruining the surprise of the show.

So as not to ruin the show I won't be mentioning the anything about the finds I will leave that to Rutland Radio and the local press.

One point I will share, because Cllr Charles Haworth is always wintering on about Cutts Close being off no importance and describing the mounds as the slag heaps from the Canal, the experts tell me he is wrong and the special aerial photographs they have taken prove it is a sight of some significance.

Phil Harding