Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mary Portas, Fifteen towns share £1.5m aid to revive High Streets, Not Oakham & Uppingham

Mary Portas, Fifteen towns share £1.5m aid to revive High Streets, Not Oakham & Uppingham

When I first saw the bid put together by the Oakham Town Partnership, I thought OMG! Then I
saw it was a joint application with Uppingham and  I thought why? Uppingham does so many things
much better without being dragged down by Oakham's Town Partnership.

Then I looked at other applicants and compared the conditions of those very run down towns
and areas. I could not make any comparisons with ours.

I was particular concerned Hatfield had been turned done in the first round, knowing very well
its awful concrete mess for a shopping area. There were big plans for this area in the past. So I am
sure residents will now be pleased to hear, they have been successful and will be receiving help from
the Ms Portas project.

As for Uppingham I see a very attractive town with few problems, Oakham has a few cosmetic problems
which could be resolved if greedy landlords reinvested some of their own money in doing up their own properties.

I am pleased we wont be seeing our unelected egotistic town councillors on our TV screens in the near future.

When the other areas are shown on television, with Ms Portas I am sure residents of both our towns
will find it hard to make any comparisons.

And as for the ridiculous suggestion by the partnership, if money was granted to Oakham Town Partnership this could be used to attract a Supermarket to the town clearly shows these inept Councillors had know clue as to the purpose of the grant and were surely only seeing pound signs in their heads.

Sainsbury's is hoping to build in  Oakham other stores are constantly expressing an interest in Oakham with out anyone spending money to attract them. I would have liked to have seen how this inept group would have squandered the cash!