Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Blog Hacking and Oakham Town Council

On  Monday this week for a short period of time I lost control of my blog.

It was also deleted.

With the use of my mobile and security questions and I was able to republish my blog.

This morning I found my password was not working.

I then requested an e-mail reminder. I was shocked to see Google were sending the
email with a reminder to an Oakham Town Council email account.

I telephoned Oakham Town Council and spoke to the assistant clerk. She said she would
look into it.

A short time later  I received a telephone from the Clerk, he said he had personally 
received an email from the blogger team.

I asked the Clerk to forward the email to me so this breach could be investigated.

He said he would delete the email, he also said he wanted nothing to do with this.

He did forward the e-mail shown below, once received I was able to reset my password once again.

I know Oakham Town Council and Rutland County council and its supporters would 
like to see my blog removed for good. They have tried using Leicestershire Constabulary
now it appears they happy to hack Google accounts. 

Copy of email sent to Clerk from Google to reset my google account:

Subject: Fw: Blogger Account Information
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2012 10:23:13 +0100

Mr Brookes
This is the e-mail I received this morning.
Richard White
Clerk to Oakham Town Council
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 9:25 AM
Subject: Blogger Account Information

Hi there, 

Your blog,, is associated with the Google Account username Please use this Google Account username to sign in to Blogger and access your blog. 

If you've forgotten your password, you can reset it by clicking this link: 

This account is a member of the following blogs: 

If you experience any problems or have further questions, please visit our help site at 

Yours sincerely,
The Blogger Team