Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Changes to Council Tax Benefit Rutland County Council and Digital Rutland.

Changes to Council Tax Benefit Rutland County Council and Digital Rutland.

Residents in Rutland are being encouraged to have their say on how Council Tax support should be provided from next year.

Central Government currently funds a national council tax benefit scheme which supports those on low incomes with a contribution (up to 100%) towards their council tax bill.

From April 2013, the responsibility for providing this support transfers to Rutland County Council, but with approximately £435,000 less funding than the Government currently provides.

Follow the link below and read the information carefully as it will tell you everything you need to know about the changes being introduced, our proposed ideas and details of how you can get involved in helping them to decide what they do.

Submit your views on Changes to Council Tax Benefit

(This link will take you to the Leicester City Council website I wonder if Rutland County Council actually provided more of its own services, instead of passing them onto surrounding councils who turn a profit council tax bills here in Rutland might just be a little lower?)

At the same time there will be changes to Housing Benefit I think the biggest mistake of all is that the tenant will receive the rent money once a month to pass onto their landlord. This is turning the clock back, unhappy landlords, rent arrears and evictions and more work for the Citizens Advice Bureau.  

I think we can safely say there is going to be a huge increase in Council Tax for 2013.

I received a email which states resident are likely to be hammered for the cost of the loan for Roger, Terry and Helens Digital Rutland Broadband.

I agree with recent news comments Councils like Rutland County Council are spending to much money and effort on high speed broadband and as is the case in Rutland no public consultation.

The public will pay for it if they want it or not.

I find my broadband speed is adequate. I carry out all my Broadband activity using a T-mobile 3G connection. I know Cllr King requires Digital Broadband because he put his company into a past presentation as a reason for the need, but forget to declare to those present it was his company. The new code of conduct for a Councillor repeat the need for selflessness. It appears to me Digital Rutland was set up to serve the needs of a few selfish Councillors and a chief executive who wants to work from home and everyone has to pay for that.