Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Firm set up to run A Lost Weekend music festival set to go into voluntary liquidation

Firm set up to run A Lost Weekend music festival set to go into voluntary liquidation

Now that was no surprise.

The Rutland Times said "The festival was the idea of Richard Garton, of Main Street, Glaston, who is listed as the director of A Lost Weekend Limited. Several attempts to contact Mr Garton for comment have been unsuccessful."

Mr Garton was always ready for comment, when he wanted free publicity to sell his tickets priced at £70 a day.

I wonder what the name of his next company will be.

RUTLAND PROMOTIONS LTD no he has already used them.

Thousands of people put there trust in the company, this sort of thing happens up and the down the country and there seems to be no way to safeguard the customers money.

Money has also been lost by stallholders and others.

It would be interesting to know how much if any money Mr Garton has lost.

I would also like to know if Joy from the Oakham Festival lost any tax payers money supporting this outfit?

Year after year the Oakham Festival spends money on events out of town when the local government act 
states The Town Council should only support groups or organisations who provide something solely for the community within its parish.