Thursday, August 09, 2012

Oakham Peoples and Wigston Peoples Sharon Seel Rescued By Leicestershire Police from Bullocks

Oakham Peoples and Wigston Peoples Sharon Seel Rescued By Leicestershire Police from Bullocks

Whilst out walking her dog Sharon became trapped in a field surrounded by bullocks.

In desperation she called friends who laughed at her.

I would suggest she needs to edit her friends list.

Sharon turned to Leicestershire Constabulary who clearly help calm her by suggesting this was no laughing matter because they knew at least six people have been killed in similar circumstances.

Leicestershire Constabulary sent there finest officers 45 minutes later and rescued Sharon.

I can understand her fear as I was once surround by a lot of horses, I remembered not to behind any horse as they can kick.

Sharon gives some advice her on her post what to do and not to do if you find yourself in a similar situation.
