Oakham Town Council Clerk reported the following at last nights meeting.
"Members have received information relating to this, There will be no Licensed Bar at the event in keeping with the councils policy not to serve booze at its events"
Interesting statement, when you consider how much public money the former Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas spent on booze for her private civic party.
It puzzles me why there was so much secrecy around this event.
A little research and I found this event is organised by highways department at Rutland County Council hence the need for booze.
Is it because when Rutland County Council want to use Cutts Close it does not need to seek permission of the full council unlike any other organisation.
Anyway lets hope the weather stays fine for the Sunday and they raise plenty of money for their good cause.
Sunday 19 August 2012 1:00pm - 6:00pm
Picnic in the Park in Cutts Close, Oakham. 4 Live Bands, Craft traders & food. Event organised by students from Camose College in aid of their Ghana Expedition. During Easter 2013,
28 Catmose students students will travel to Ghana to help build an orphanage and install a clean safe water supply.
Website : water4ghana.wix.com/liveat