Cllr Alf Dewis Oakham Town Councils Mayor announced last night the town carol
concert will be moving back to the church.
I hope this time the council will pay the church a decent fee and they won't
receive another letter from the church as they did in 2011 telling them politely to go elsewhere.
Cllr Dewis is turning the clock back to how it was when I first moved to Oakham
I am sure this is to please his good Christian supporters who always enjoyed the
traditional carol and lessons.
Cllr Maureen Dodds was the only one who made any comments.
I thought we all agreed the move to the castle was a permanent one?
Rather strangely she went on to say, she would be uncomfortable attending
church and only attends church for special events.
Strange as it might seem I have always thought Christmas might be special.event
so I was not sure what she meant by that comment.
She went onto say she was happy to listen to carols away from a church and would
never attend and listen in a church.
I took this photograph of Cllr Dodds Christmas 2010 in a church after she had just
enjoyed Oakham Town Councils Carol Service
Either Cllr Dodds has been dabbling in her daughters spiritual offerings
did she part with five quid for a reading or did she just forgot?
I disagree with her comment that people of other denominations
would be uncomfortable attending All Saint's Church Oakham
The church is part of Churches Together and as far I can see
up and down the land, people accept this funny organisation is
the established church and when civic events are held in their
buildings from churches to cathedral, people from all denominations
attend including Buddhist which is Cllr Dodds daughters chosen
religion this month.