Friday, August 31, 2012

Residents who live in Ashwell and Whitwell are being encouraged to have their say about how to best protect the appearance of their village. Conservation areas


Residents who live in Ashwell and Whitwell are being encouraged to have their say about how to best protect the appearance of their village. Conservation areas 
The council is seeking views on possible changes to the Conservation Areas which are already in place throughout both villages (Whitwell since 1979 and Ashwell since 1999).
The purpose of a conservation area is not to prevent development but to make sure that any changes made do not have a negative impact on the local character of the area.
A draft Conservation Area Appraisal has been produced for both villages, which provides more detailed guidance on their special character and appearance.  These aim to specify what is important about a conservation area and what further measures could be taken to protect it.

Councillor Terry King (pictured left), Deputy Leader of Rutland County Council, says: “There are already 34 conservation areas in Rutland and they work extremely well to protect the heritage and rural nature of our villages. It’s important that we revisit them from time-to-time to make sure they are still relevant and whether any changes need to be made.”
Councillor King added: “Those living in Ashwell and Whitwell should see this as a chance to comment on whether any proposed changes are appropriate.  It’s important they have their say as once agreed, the detail of each conservation area is taken into account when planning applications are considered.  We want as many people as possible to comment from both areas and look forward to receiving their views.”
In Ashwell, it is recommended that houses still have to apply for planning permission to make any external changes to their property, but residents are specifically asked whether this should include solar panels on the front roof slope of houses.
In Whitwell, residents are being asked whether they want to introduce the rule about applying for planning permission (free) when making changes to the front of properties, and whether or not the existing conservation area should be extended to cover land to the rear of buildings on the north side of the main road.
The full consultation documents for both Ashwell and Whitwell can be viewed at the Council offices in Oakham, at all Rutland libraries or on the council websitewww.rutland.gov.uk/conservationareaappraisals
Printed copies of the document can be downloaded from the Council’s website or are available on request from the Council.
Comments should be sent to the Council in writing during the consultation period starting on 3rd September and ending at 4:45pm on 1st October 2012.
Comments may also be submitted by using the response form available on the website or by email to localplan@rutland.gov.uk.
For enquiries please email localplan@rutland.gov.uk or ask for the David Trubshaw, Conservation officer or the Planning Policy Section on 01572 722577.