Friday, September 21, 2012

Who will have the last laugh? Mr Harrison ? former Oakham Mayor

Who will have the last laugh? Mr Harrison ? former Oakham Mayor

Blog has been removed

Sorry, the blog at oakhamslaughingstocks.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.  (this means the blog is attached to another google blog  and be republished if it was a sole account the address would become available)

Did you expect to see your blog here? See: 'I can't find my blog on the web, where is it?'

I and three other people are pleased to see the above vile and disturbing blog has been removed.

Of course this won't stop any proposed legal action against the author. The blog and Twitter account 
have all been downloaded and passed to Leicestershire Constabulary.

The Blog was used to attack me since the first day I became a Oakham Town  Councillor in 2010 and after.

My Friends and family have been subjected to a grotesque attack.

It is my view the person (s) responsible for this strange and disturbing behaviour have enjoyed the protection 
of Leicestershire Constabulary for far too long. /at it looks like it is coming to an end?

Leicestershire Police who I don't trust, have agreed to trace those responsible and prosecute for malicious communication, Statements are finally being taken from those effected by this cowardly bullying.

Personally I would like to sign them into a clinic for the sick and sexual therapy might also go down well.

A young Leicestershire female police officer said Leicester Police resources are limited and the tracing will 
take time and it is not a priority.

Would it a priority if the person (s) were attacking the the locally police? I think so.

Three peoples lives have been made very uncomfortable for many years now, two for simply being 
critical of local governance and one who is attacked just because I know them.

In the past police have refused to reveal the ID of the person (s) they have spoken to.

This week I asked Mr Harrison former town councillor and Ex Mayor to explain why a image on the blog matches a negative image on his blog Tea Break?

I have also looked at archive copies of the same newspaper including a photograph at Rutland County Museum
the marks at the top of the image that look like staple marks are not on any archive copies and there is no matching paper fold.

So as I questioned previously is Mr Harrison  responsible for the laughing stocks blog or as he did in 2009 
provided the image? 

In 2009 I traced photo shopped Images used in the Rutland Chat Forum  Mr Harrison had linked from his photo bucket account, The forum was run by Rutland County council, I was called a Paedophile amongst other things. 

the first post I was made aware of was posted by a local photographer and former Oakham School pupil, ex Town Councillor and now Rutland County Councillor Alan Walters,

The post was titled "Who the Fuck is Martin Brookes" The contributes went went onto
attack and bully me. They were also homophobic. Many forum contributors  were also homophobic,  most were connected to local governance, either councillor or working for Rutland or Melton Council.

Mr Harrison at the time Mayor and Town Councillor was know by the user name 'carpet burns'

When I traced  Mr Harrison's images,  I reported him to Standards for providing the images, he said he did not support bullying and said sorry and I withdrew the complaint. To me his contribution was bullying, but I had never 
before become involved in local politics and stupidly expected that would be the end of the matter of course time has shown this was not the end of the sad sorry saga, the bullying and homophobic behaviour continued.

The forum was closed down after members started attacking MP Alan Ducan these attacks were also of a homophobic nature.

As time has passed

I received funeral plans through my door

A grave stone was ordered

A telephone threat was received

New Woman's Clothes were  sent to me.

Cllr Adam Lowe Deputy Mayor subscribed me to unwanted material (at that time he was a Special Constable)

Threatening letters were received a binned by Leicestershire Police (addressed many times to Mr Paedophile) some included images males with a knotted penis with my head photo shopped on the image with threats to post them on display all around the town if I did not stop blogging about the councils

Then there were the poster at election time that were display throughout the entire county and littered woodland walks suggesting elector contact my previous employer because I might have lost my job for stealing.  when I had left because my boss had told a rep I was a C*nt possibly to look big.

Blogs were created, most with a sexual content accusing me of Vicar molesting to vegetable sodomy.

Facebook was used by Tish Holland to post on School Sites saying I was a risk to children and this could be confirmed by Inspector Monks.

twitter from Oakytaxidriver  and Tishholland both supported Jim Harrison's Blog post on Tea Break were he posts falsely  I am a risk to children he also moderates his comments and publishes those who support his false  accusation, not long after that activity I could not walk around Oakham without being called that by young people eventually after I was assaulted in the street Inspector Monks sent officers to the local youth club to tell them I was not what they were calling me. I have also been branded a rent boy by those users and compared to Mr Moat.

Then I received a communication saying I had killed my partner and I was the only man in Rutland who had knowledge of what it was like to have sex with a dead man and I must be pleased he was cremated

The police claimed to have traced the person responsible for that but said the adults claimed the grandchildren
had access to the PC and no action was taken. they refuse to name the household claiming data protection once again data protection protects cowards.

I hope the police will this time keep  their word and trace the disturbed person (s) and deal with them and my life can get back to some normality.

Going back to the image used on the blog and Mr Harrison's Tea Break Blog maybe he can help the police and save
the tax payer some money and let the police know who the author is?