Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Cllr Dave Richardson private email about legal action regarding disgraceful Rutland County Council accounts distributed publicly by Tory Leader Roger Begy

Cllr Dave Richardson private email about disgraceful Rutland County Council accounts distributed publicly by Tory Leader Roger Begy

Cllr Richardson wrote to Tory Cllr Pocock

This was the first set of Accounts to be seen under your Portfolio, yet what we
witnessed was nothing short of a disgrace. Despite repeatedly asking for a copy of
the draft Statement of Accounts at the first Audit & Risk Meeting and for several
weeks thereafter, a copy was not produced until just before the closure of accounts,
this was then amended substantially and significantly with a further Statement at
the last minute, with a final copy produced on the night of the Audit & Risk Meeting
along with the Audit Letter for approval, with additional information from the
District Auditor also produced on the night.

We have taken these matter up with a financial and compliance Legal Officer at the
highest level and are now in the process of putting together a case to take Rutland
Council to court, that undoubtedly will implicate yourself as Portfolio Holder,
holding office over this.