Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Digital Uppingham, Broadband Update

Digital Uppingham – Broadband Update

A lot of progress has been made with the Digital Uppingham, Residents were given an update on the progress being made with the town’s fibre network and the equipment to be installed was made available for inspection.

It was noted that the Limes, Firs & Spurs Residents Association had resolved to request that the network be extended to the Firs Estate.

This was likely to be agreed by Gigaclear. (Rutland Telecom)

Uppingham also has free Wi Fi in Town

What do we have on offer here in Oakham? Not much....

Fruit Cake Tory Councillor Gene Plews and his mob probably blame me for this also.
Oakham is behind with so much progress, this is the responsibility of our ineffective County
County Councillors and The useless Town Partnership.

Well done Uppingham it is unfortunate your residents will be expected to pay for Digital Rutland
a project they don't need.