Friday, October 26, 2012

Oakham Town Council, Planning, Parks, committee meeting, 24th October 2012

Oakham Town Council, Planning, Parks, committee  meeting, 24th October 2012

At various points of the meeting and when they departed a member of the public interrupted the meeting. No members grunted or groaned or demand his removal and no suggestion of calling the police, a gross example of the councils unfair conduct towards me.
The sencond point of interest to me is no member of the public turned up for the Sainsbury planning application, I can only assume they did not find Cllr Lucas's performance chairing the meeting at the time of the last last application as funny as I did. Stupidy and farce would be the kindest way to describe that meeting, which was well attended by the public.

 Members reports

Cllr Lockett reported to members about the recent Rutland Access Group survey
and the issues found.
Such as car parking in front of dropped kerbs.
Many of the dropped curbs throughout Oakham were not low enough for wheel chair users.

 Cllr Lucas reported not wanting to reveal any details about a meeting she had attended with the festival committee and Oakham School.

I had to ask for the month as only said the Festival will be held for the 21st - 30th  leaving put June form her non informative report.

Cottesmore Hunt

Requested  to use Cutts Close on Boxing Day. This was approved with conditions to clean up.
Cllr Lucas said the main reason she objected was not due to the horse mess and blamed spectators
with dogs who did not clean up dog mess.

The Cottemsmore Hunt rejected the market place as a alternative venue, stating it was to small. Clearly not an issue in Uppingham which also has a small market square used for their meetings.


Oakham Town Council rejected Sainsbury's planning application. Cllr Lucas was very keen to point out it was not for personal reasons and those of her residents. Most of her reason remained the
same as the previous meeting and came across as personal reasons as she stated she would have to drive through residential street to avoid the crossing.

Cllr Lockett called for a long term project to place a rail bridge instead of the crossing, but recognised costs might be an issue.