Oakham Town Council met tonight in the council chamber at
Victoria Hall, 39 High Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AH
Telephone: 01572 723627 Fax: 01572 759395
e-mail: enquiries@oakhamtowncouncil.gov.uk
Cllr Sharon Spencer started the meeting looking very stressed.
Councillors accepted APOLOGIES according to Local Government Act 1972 Section 85(1) from Cllr Joyces Lucas Sick, Cllr Charles Haworth Sick, Cllr Swiffin Sick once again most of his term he has not attended. Cllr Mark Woodcock prior engagement these apologies were accepted by all members.
Members were asked to declare any interest they may have in respect to items on the
agenda Cllr Tor Clerk is an allotment holder
MINUTES Councillors confirmed the minutes of the meeting of Oakham Town Council held on
Wednesday December 15th 2010 and accepted them.
No question were questions previously notified to the Clerk under Standing Order 23
Councillor Sharon Spencer stated there were not outstanding matters from previous meeting.
To receive a report from the Chairman on functions attended and to receive reports
from Members who have attended meetings on behalf of Oakham Town Council
there were no reports from member a printed summary of the Mayors activities was circulated to members only this was not made public due to its confidential nature?
Members were asked to inform the Clerk of any changes in their Register of Member’s
CLERK’S REPORT – For information only
To receive a report from the Clerk
Members of the Public were invited to address the meeting in accordance with
procedures laid down in Standing Order 73 Councillor Sharon Spencer asked if Mr Brookes had anything to say, Mr Brookes asked for clarification for the reason Mr Woodcock was absent, she kindly repeated the information in a more audible manner. Much to the disapproval of Cllr Dewis.
GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT Members awarded the Contract for the two year period April 1st 2011 – March 31st 2013 This was awarded to Cory the working group was made up of Cllr Dewis, Cllr Dodds and Cllr Woodcock. The recommendation was proposed by Cllr Dewis and seconded by Cllr Dodds, (I wish I had popped accross to Ladbrokes.)
BUDGET 2011 – 2012 Councillors considered a Fourth Draft Budget to decide on any changes and to ratify the Council’s budget for the Financial Year 2011 - 2012 finally the budget was set saving council tax payers 1p Well done to the Clerk and the Chairman.
OAKHAM HOME GARDENS AND ALLOTMENT SOCIETY Councillors considered a letter received regarding fencing at the Burley Road Allotments and to decide whether to part fund the project.
Why are they begging the Council for cash their lease states they are responsible for this cost a cost far greater than the rental income the council receives. I was please Cllr Adam Lowe stood up and said he was unhappy there was only one quote for the work. Can the council please pay to replace my fence just a thought? After a lot of chat it was decided Cllr Adam Lowe would visit and the allotments and even take photographs is it wise for such a new Councillor to speak out so soon. Well done Cllr Lowe! Richard White Mumbled and me so he will also be visiting his mate Stan.
The public may not be aware the Council rent out the Allotments to various societies for a few pounds a year
and the tenants often come begging from the tax payer.
I wont mention the Sports Hall, Tennis Club or Bowls Club rents all places who make a profit from public property.
RISK ASSESSMENT Councillors discussed the Council’s Risk Assessment documentation, to agree on any changes necessary and to approve the Risk Assessment this was accepted
SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Councillors decided whether to approve the schedule of payments for December 2010 accepted
STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS Councillors decided whether to approve the Statement of Accounts to January 4th 2011 accepted
they considered the following applications received to date and made recommendations
thereon to Rutland County Council:
(i) APP/2010/1218/NT Enterprise Inns plc
Installation of 4 No. illuminated fascia signs and 1 No. illuminated hanging sign
Railway Hotel, Station Road
Cllrs started of objecting to the new lighting until Cllr Taylor pointed out the pub already used similar lighting! the approved the application Cllr Dodds said it look pretty.
(ii) APP/2010/1277/NT Mrs S Day Construction of single storey extension to side (east) elevation of dwelling. Pitched roof in place of flat roof to garage 7, The Vale Oakham
Cllr Taylor looked at the drawings and said I know this architect and left the room declaring an interest.
the application was passed.
(iii) APP/2010/1246/APB Mr McCreath
Fell 1 No. Pine tree, trim limbs of 2 No. Pine trees and prune 1 No. Yew tree
The Bungalow, 1 Mount Pleasant, Uppingham Road
The application was passed as it was a new application based on request made at a previous application.
(iv) APP/2010/1220/APB Central Networks
Erection of 3 No. electricity substations
Substations, Station Road
Although this application was in central Oakham it appeared very few Cllrs had a clue to where the very visible site was. problem is most drive and don't notice much. Cllr Tor Clerk who does walk and cycle knew the location and like me noticed the work had already started. the application was approved.
(v) APP/2010/1216/PG Hawksmead Ltd
Outline application for erection of hotel and associated works
Hotel, Hawksmead Site, Lands End Way
All Councillor seemed to agree a budget hotel would be good for Oakham, The Council suggest the developer has missed a trick and could be more adventurous and thought 106 payment that is the legal bribe paid by large developers to gain planning permission should encourage people to visit the town, on foot or by public transport.
(vi) APP/2010/1248/APB Mr and Mrs Cave
Construction of single storey extension to side (southwest) elevation following
demolition of existing garage
85 Brooke Road
The Clerk and all his expertise with planning matters said he had a issue with the application because the applicant was not allowing for access into the back garden. It was left to planning expert Cllr Matthew Taylor to explain this was not so. I am please Cllr Matthew Taylor is now serving on the council because it is very clear The Town Clerk has so many times in the past incorrectly advised influenced Councillors planning decisions .
Concillors decided whether to exclude the Press and Public, under Section 1(2) of the Public
Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, during consideration of Item 18 on the
agenda due to the confidential nature of the matters to be discussed
STAFFING MATTERS Councillors discussed various unknown matters and decided on an appropriate way forward?
Dave Robinson said
D Robinson said
webmaster said
No. We encourage open, honest debate.
We monitor the posts to negate abuse and spam.
A comment would not be rejected because it disagrees with the blog post.
Richard said
Robinson said
Richard said
Since you were unable to provide the reference numbers I investigated your assertion that the Ombudsman had looked into the Limes twice in the past and found nothing wrong. In fact, the Ombudsman has never been involved.
Here is a copy of a Council email I received on the matter.
Dear Cllr Gale
Further to your telephone call earlier this week I can confirm that we have no knowledge of an Ombudsman complaint relating to this site. If the complaint has only just been submitted it may be several weeks before the Council is made aware by the LGO.
It is likely that the details of any complaint from the LGO would go to Geoff Pook in the first instance (I did check with him).
Kind regards
James Frieland | Contracts & Support Services Manager
Rutland County Council
Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
t: 01572 758288 | f: 01572 758 373 | e: jfrieland@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk
w: http://www.rutland.gov.uk/