Showing posts with label planning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label planning. Show all posts

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Rutland County Council, Planning, When do they give out correct information? Possibly Never, Presland & Co

Rutland County Council, Planning, When do they give out correct information? Possibly Never

Back in July I noticed a monster of a sign had appeared on
this fine building. The photograph does not show it's true

A fine building in the conservation area spoilt.

I passed the photograph onto a town business that is having
difficulty getting any sort of sign approved by the council,
along with the email the council sent me.

I asked Rutland County Council planning how can they if they
did approve the above but not others?

I received the usual curt response from them.

The said this sign was not a issue it complied with its advertising
regulations, case closed.

So why the other week has the sign changed? Much smaller
and less intrusive.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Rutland County Council, Planning, Tories ask why some say their planning matters are corrupt?

Evidence is being gathered to show how Rutland Tories use planning
as a weapon against those they just don't like.

An example can be seen in the above photograph.

The premises on the left is a pub, the council has for a number of years
made things very difficult for this pub.

Refusing year on year to allow a sign of any description to be fitted to the

When it suits the council it suggests the reason is because the property is
in a conservation area.

The truth is they don't  like the owners.

If the council was really concerned about Oakham's conservation, it would
not have permitted the sign on the shop next door or their ugly
steel shutter that is down all day.

It also gives a "failing" (their word not mine although they keep quiet about that now and
point to failing Customer Services and Democtratic Serivces) planning department delegated
powers to decide if Oakham School can build a "nice new building" (Cllr Lucas
thinks they always do things nicely)

The same power has been delegated for Leicestershire Polices application
which will see the destruction of Oakham's old weights and measures building

Both applications within a conservation area.

To finish this post, I was asked to point out the council, has approved
quite a lot of illuminated signs on a new pub that will be opening in a
listed building also in the conservation area across the road from the
one shown above

Friday, November 30, 2012

Oakham School, Business School, Demolition, Planning, Oakham Town Council, Photographs

APP/2012/0805/NT (CAC) Mr Chris Binks (Oakham School)
Demolition of existing school building (1025sq metres) to facilitate future rebuilding

APP/2012/0763/NT Mr Chris Binks (Oakham School)
Three storey extension to existing school building (Merton Building) and construction
of new business school, following demolition of other existing buildings. Extension of
hard surfaced car park for the adjacent St. Josephs R.C. Church
Merton Building, Church Street

Oakham Town Council approve with very little consideration the
demolition of the buildings above and below.

They gave no consideration to the trees on site many have Tree
Preservation Orders.

The Barn will remain this is home for the School shop that take trade
away from some of  the towns retailers. It is proposed the fine tree
and the buildings behind will be pulled down.

Oakham School is proposing to build a new business school.

Cllr Lucas said Oakham School always does things well.

Cllr Nowell Spoke saying there is a lot coming from Oakham School.

Below is fine example of one of Oakham Schools 'good things'
this building was built in the heart of Oakham's Conservation Area
across the road from Cutts Close. It blends in nicely with the
surrounding traditional style buildings in this area of Oakham.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Oakham Town Council, Planning, Parks, committee meeting, 24th October 2012

Oakham Town Council, Planning, Parks, committee  meeting, 24th October 2012

At various points of the meeting and when they departed a member of the public interrupted the meeting. No members grunted or groaned or demand his removal and no suggestion of calling the police, a gross example of the councils unfair conduct towards me.
The sencond point of interest to me is no member of the public turned up for the Sainsbury planning application, I can only assume they did not find Cllr Lucas's performance chairing the meeting at the time of the last last application as funny as I did. Stupidy and farce would be the kindest way to describe that meeting, which was well attended by the public.

 Members reports

Cllr Lockett reported to members about the recent Rutland Access Group survey
and the issues found.
Such as car parking in front of dropped kerbs.
Many of the dropped curbs throughout Oakham were not low enough for wheel chair users.

 Cllr Lucas reported not wanting to reveal any details about a meeting she had attended with the festival committee and Oakham School.

I had to ask for the month as only said the Festival will be held for the 21st - 30th  leaving put June form her non informative report.

Cottesmore Hunt

Requested  to use Cutts Close on Boxing Day. This was approved with conditions to clean up.
Cllr Lucas said the main reason she objected was not due to the horse mess and blamed spectators
with dogs who did not clean up dog mess.

The Cottemsmore Hunt rejected the market place as a alternative venue, stating it was to small. Clearly not an issue in Uppingham which also has a small market square used for their meetings.


Oakham Town Council rejected Sainsbury's planning application. Cllr Lucas was very keen to point out it was not for personal reasons and those of her residents. Most of her reason remained the
same as the previous meeting and came across as personal reasons as she stated she would have to drive through residential street to avoid the crossing.

Cllr Lockett called for a long term project to place a rail bridge instead of the crossing, but recognised costs might be an issue.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Sainsbury's Oakham Rutland New 2012 Planning Application Ref: APP/2012/0665


Sainsbury Sponsored the Paralympic Games

Sainbury's has lodged a new planning application to build a new store in Oakham Rutland

Sainsbury's is seeking permission to build a new store on the former Rutland County College site.

If your have any views for or against please send those views to:

Patrick Gear Planning Officer, 

Development Control, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP

Comments can be sent to Oakham Town Council although the council is weak and pathetic 
when it comes to many local issues including planning,

(I remember when the foolishly voted not to approve an application from Tesco to demolish a bungalow, but they went on to vote approval for the extension of the car park. Maybe they had a vision of a mezzanine style construction over the plot? Its no surprise Sainsbury's does not include there details in their publicity)

Oakham Town Council are statutory consultee

Victoria Hall, 39 High Street Oakham, LE15 6AH.

Telephone:      01572 723627
e-mail:             enquiries@oakhamtowncouncil.gov.uk


Sainsbury HQ Holborn London

Contact your County Councillor:


Representing: Oakham North East (East of Railway Line, North of South Street, Mill Street and Burley Road)

Jeff Dale
Mr Jeffrey T Dale (Ind)
12 Station Road
Wing Hollow
Rutland LE15 8RY

Tel: (01572) 723569

Alan Walters
Mr Alan Walters (Ind)
15 Queen's Road
Rutland LE15 6ED

Tel: 01572 770 884

Mr Richard J Gale (Independent)
'Meadowsweet Farm'
Knossington Road
Rutland LE15 8QX

Tel: (01572) 757770

Mark Woodcock
Mr Mark Woodcock (Indepedent)
33 Harrington Way
Rutland LE15 6SE

Tel: (01572) 755814


Representing: Oakham South East (East of Railway Line, South of South Street, Mill Street and Burley Road)

Jonathan Munton
Mr Jonathan Munton (Con)
6 Brooke Close
Rutland LE15 6GD

Tel: (01572) 770733

Gene Plews
Mr Gene Plews (Con)
Democratic Services
Rutland County Council
Rutland LE15 6HP
Mobile: 07999 649 824


Representing: Oakham South West (West of Railway Line, South of Braunston Road)

Joanna Figgis
Mrs Joanna Figgis (Con)
College House
Church Street
Rutland LE15 6AA

phone: 07590 033 680

David Richardson
Mr David Richardson (Independent)
71 Brooke Road
Rutland LE15 6HG


If you would like further information or have any questions to ask
Sainsbury's please call Joyce Yip on Sainsbury's freephone 0800 975 5299

Sainsbury's Oakham Planning Application Ref: APP/2012/0665

Has been received by Rutland County Council

The plans can be viewed online at www.rutland.gov.uk

It takes a few clicks to find it so here is the page

Sainsbury Planning Application 

This page shows details of the planning application 
If you would like to send comments on this application to the Development Control Team please click on the Comment on Application button, complete your comments and press the Send button. Please note that the comments you make will be available for the public to see.
Application details
Reference numberAPP/2012/0665Application TypeMajor Application Type
Site addressThe Rutland College
Barleythorpe Road Oakham
LE15 6QH
ProposalDemolition of vacant college buildings and erection of a retail store (use class A1), car parking, servicing, recycling facility, biomass boiler, landscaping and associated highway works including the creation of a new access road to Lonsdale House and new roundabout at junction of Barleythorpe Road and Lands End Way.
Received Date11/09/2012Valid date11/09/2012
StatusPending DecisionDecision date
Committee TypeDelegatedCommittee Date
Agent nameMr Tim WaringCase OfficerPatrick Gear
Agent addressToronto Square
Leeds LS1 2HJ
Applicant nameMr Tim Waring
Calculated Fee17865.00ParishOAKHAM
Consultation Start Date17/09/2012Consultation End Date12/10/2012
14/09/2012Geo technical assessment.pdf
14/09/2012A072832 Oakham - Tresham College Extended Phase 1 Report- update july 2012.pdf
14/09/2012A077315 SSL Oakham Lighting Assessment 05 SEP JC xtc and sketches.pdf
14/09/2012A077315 SSL Oakham Tresham 24 August 2012 rev1 dp and sketches Noise Assess.pdf
14/09/2012Air Quality Report with Appendices.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-001xD Location Plan.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-002x Ex Site Plan.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-003xA Prop Site Plan.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-004x Prop Store Plan.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-005x Prop Roof Plan.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-006x Prop Elevations.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-007x Ex Sections.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-008x Prop Sections.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-009x Recycle Centre.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-010x Service Yard Details.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-020x Demo Site Plan.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-021x Ex Elevations.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-022x Ex Elevations.pdf
14/09/2012Bat Activity Report.pdf
14/09/2012Flood Risk and Drainage.pdf
14/09/2012GC.65002.PL.001.A Tree Survey Plan.pdf
14/09/2012GC.65002.PL.002 Tree Constraints and Protection Plan.pdf
14/09/2012GC.65002.PL.003 Tree Retention and Removal Plan.pdf
14/09/2012GC.65002.PL.005 Detailed Planting Plan.pdf
18/09/2012Application FormOakham application form.pdf
18/09/2012Design & Access StatementOakham Design Statement_Rev C - 07-09-12 - Low Quality.pdf
18/09/2012Planning & Retail ReportPlanning and Retail Report.pdf
18/09/2012SSL Oakham- Renewable Energy Efficiency Report _issue 4_ 05.09.12.pdf
18/09/2012Oakham Sainsburys Archaeological Report.pdf
18/09/2012Oakham SCI - With Appendices.pdf
18/09/2012R01-PS-Transport Assessment-2012.09.10.pdf
18/09/2012R01-PS-Transport Assessment-2012.09.10 Vol 1.pdf
18/09/2012R01-PS-Transport Assessment-2012.09.10 Vol 2 Figures and Appendices.pdf
18/09/2012Sainsbury Oakham - Arboricultural Report - July 2012.pdf
18/09/2012Sainsbury Oakham Landscape Report August 2012.pdf
18/09/2012Sport England - 18-09-2012Sport England - 18-09-2012.pdf
19/09/2012Sport England - 19-09-2012Sport England - 19-09-2012.pdf
20/09/2012Fowler - 20/09/2012Fowler - 20 Sep 2012.pdf

Monday, August 27, 2012

Cllr Gale Rutland Anti Corruption The Limes, planning, Rutland County Council Development Control Committee, Hambleton

One of the reasons that gave me concern was a planning approval decision allowed under delegated powers at Hambleton. The approval was allowed by officers in consultation with the chairman of the Development Control Committee at the time and the Ward member.
The history of planning applications on this site goes back to 1970 when a replacement farmyard was only allowed in this location due to the existing farmyard being lost in the construction of Rutland Water. (A more detailed history can be found here  richardgale.me )
Cllrs. Gale and Wainwright have met with the Chief Executive Officer of Rutland County Council and spoken about our concerns, asking for an examination of the history of planning applications on this farmyard and how a very large development, that flies in the face of previous reasoning and decisions, was approved by officers and supported by only two councillors, Not the Development Control Committee. There had been so much controversy when other applications were considered. Our request was refused, however I have continued to seek out further information myself.
It is easy to find out from Land Registry that the farmyard was sold at a price of £1.45M with a previous planning approval. Yet it has recently been stated to the original owner that a price of £1.7M ‘was paid for this planning permission’, which had become significantly larger, against previous decisions.
It would make sense to me to fully examine recent history of this site and planning consent given as developments on the site far exceed previous refusals. We have asked and been refused Council involvement in this examination so seek public support to bring this matter into the open. It is a reasonable request.
Cllr. Richard Gale


  • Dave Robinson said 

    Isnt this the one that the Ombudsman looked at twice and said everything was OK. I have read about your views on this before on your self indulgent website, why do you want to waste more public money?
  • webmaster said 

    @Dave Robinson.
    No. We encourage open, honest debate.

    We monitor the posts to negate abuse and spam.

    A comment would not be rejected because it disagrees with the blog post.

  • Richard said 

    Mr.Robinson, so that we can keep the public fully informed could you please forward the 2 Ombudsman Ref numbers please.
  • Robinson said 

    Are you saying you have not seen them or spoken to the Ombudsman. I suggest you apeak to your planning department, I understood you are the chairman or deputy chairman of it?
  • Richard said 

    Mr Robinson,

    Since you were unable to provide the reference numbers I investigated your assertion that the Ombudsman had looked into the Limes twice in the past and found nothing wrong. In fact, the Ombudsman has never been involved.

    Here is a copy of a Council email I received on the matter.

    Dear Cllr Gale

    Further to your telephone call earlier this week I can confirm that we have no knowledge of an Ombudsman complaint relating to this site. If the complaint has only just been submitted it may be several weeks before the Council is made aware by the LGO.

    It is likely that the details of any complaint from the LGO would go to Geoff Pook in the first instance (I did check with him).

    Kind regards


    James Frieland | Contracts & Support Services Manager
    Rutland County Council
    Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
    t: 01572 758288 | f: 01572 758 373 | e: jfrieland@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk
    w: http://www.rutland.gov.uk/


Monday, August 13, 2012

Morcott wind turbine decision will not be taken tonight by Rutland County Council

Morcott wind turbine decision will not be taken tonight by Rutland County Council.

A proposal for a second wind turbine in Morcott which was due to be discussed tonight (Monday) has been deferred.

Plans for a second wind turbine at Springfield Lodge in North Luffenham Road, Morcott, were approved by Rutland County Council’s development Control and licensing committee but councillors asked for the application to be brought before full council.

It was due to be considered by the council at its meeting tonight but has now been deferred to a later meeting of the full council, likely to be in September or October, due to a procedural matter.

Now I know why I did not receive a response from the Council, when I asked them to explain what legal basis they had made this decision.

Personally I think just because two Councillors were not present at the meeting is not a good reason to bring this matter to full council, especially when you use the young Tory apprentice and the Tory Jester who both voted for approval at the planning meeting.

I was under the impression a councillor at Rutland County Council and any other council had a free vote.  Its a bit of a joke when two members not present don't agree with the outcome, and then attempt to change the outcome in this way. 

I also think it sums up the whispers, some often very loud. There could be planning corruption at Rutland County Council?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Oakham Town Council, Planning Training , At Last

Oakham Town Council at last will receive some training.

Planning to most people is very important and possibly one of the few times they need to come into contact with there local councils.

I was shocked by the lack of training at Oakham Town Council. I first noticed this when a knicker dropping ex Councillor sat at a planning meeting and looked at a plan that was clear to most showed a dormer window and she questioned why would they want a beach hut on their roof?

The first time I became a Town Councillor I realised the only training available was, do as I tell you.
We did eventually receive 20 minutes basic training from a man who visited once never to be seen again.

I was surprised to receive instruction to be in the Council Chamber at 6.00pm to undergo planning training with Carolyn Cartwright, a Senior Planning Officer from Rutland County Council one hour before our parks and planning meeting tomorrow. It is public knowledge Rutland County Council planning department is one of the worst performing departments at the council, so I think it is rather fitting they will be giving one hours training to one of the worst Town Councils I know.

It is rather ironic the training finally arrives  in the week I might get kicked of the council by the Standards Tribunal.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Rutland Local Development Framework, Site Allocations and Policies Development Plan Document , Rutland County Council

Rutland County Council is consulting on Issues and Opinions version of its Site Allocations and Policies Development Plan Document (DPD)

This is the first stage of public consultation in which the Council is seeking views of Rutland residents and others on the issues to be addressed in the document and the options for the dealing with those issues.

Comments are invited during the consultation period starting on 8th September 2011 and ending at 4.45pm on Wednesday 30th November 2011.

Comments can be submitted on-line on Council's website

www.rutland.gov.uk/siteallocations or by email LDF@rutland.gov.uk

If you have any further enquiries please contact by email at the address given above
or telephone  01572 722 577 and ask for the Planning Policy Section.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Oakham Town Councils New Planning, Parks Committee

Oakham Town Councils New  Planning and Parks Committee meets tonight at 7.00pm
Victoria Hall, High Street, Oakham.

It was hoped Councillors would finally receive some formal training.

A senior planning officer from Rutland County Council was going to provide a hour of training. However the officer has another commitment.

Since returning to the council in May there has been no training for any Councillors.

If was to put an planning application before Oakham Town Council I would be very concerned, especially if they don't like you......

Gone are the days I found it amusing to watch and listen to  Councillors asking questions like "why have they got a beach hut on the roof" when it was clear to all it was a window.

Planning is a serious issue for those who apply.

Planning of course is not a priority for Oakham Town Council we still don't have a plan for the Council.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Oakham Town Council Planning, Santoshi Design, The Old Oakham British Legion

Oakham Town Council PLANNING APPLICATIONS this week Councillors considered the following planning applications received to date and to agreed on comments and observations to be made to Rutland County Council all the following were approved Councillor Charles Haworth went home at this point of the meeting. The tree warden was not present so the clerk read her comments. When it came to the 3 Lime trees outside the old British Legion, she said they had been previously incorrectly pollarded, due to this it looks like we are going to loose 3 more healthy trees from the town. Although the applicant Santoshi Design says it will replace one tree.

All the following were recommended for approval:

APP/2011/0091/APB (HSE) Dr Darren Sheppard
Replacement of garage door with uPVC window to match existing
9 Suthern Close, Oakham

APP/2011/0194/NH (HSE) Mr Garry Black
Construction of single storey extension to side (west) and rear (south)
elevations of dwellinghouse
170 Braunston Road, Oakham

APP/2011/0200/NT (FUL) T.W. Needham and Son
Erection of detached agricultural dwelling and garage
(revised scheme FUL/2010/0399)
Grange Farm, Uppingham Road, Oakham

(iv) APP/2011/0224/APB (PTA) Mr Corton
Reduce end weight of limb on 1 No. Oak tree by 30%
8 Peterborough Avenue, Oakham

APP/2011/0235/APB (PTA) Mr Alan Parkinson
Fell 1 No. Apple tree, 3 No. Holly treess and 3 No. Conifers
12 Uppingham Road, Oakham

APP/2011/0215/APB Mr Duncan Green (Santoshi Design)
Fell 3 No. trees of unknown species
55 High Street, Oakham

APP/2011/0237/APB (FUL) Rutland County Council
Change of use from sui generis highway depot back to B1/B8 use
Station Approach Industrial Estate, Station Approach, Oakham
This property is leased by Rutland County Council and they are closing the depot and by reversing the status of this property the units will be able to be rented out as offices.

APP/2011/0240/DTR (LBA) Oakham Memorial Institute
Various external works to include replacement of rainwater goods and
addition of stone copings
56 High Street

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Jeakins Weir Limited, Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Public Inquiry, Uppingham Road, Oakham, Rutland, Planning

Jeakins Weir Limited, Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Public Inquiry, Uppingham Road, Oakham, Rutland, Planning.

Planning ref: OUT/2010/0954

Appeal Ref APP/A2470/A/10/2143475/NWF

In a accordance with the Town and Country Planning Act 1990

An Appeal by Jeakins Weir Ltd will take place.

Jeakins Weir Limited, applied for the following: Erection of circa 96 No. dwellings and associated works including provision of access onto Uppingham Road Oakham,Rutland on land west of Uppingham Road Oakham Rutland.

An Inspector has been appointed by the Secretary of State under paragraph 1(1) of schedule 6 the the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to determine the above by of a Public Inquiry.

The date and time of the Inquiry are as follows:

Date 24/05/2011

Time: 10.00am

Venue: EEF Training Centre, Main Road, Barleythorpe, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 7ED.

The public may attend at the Inspector's discretion, you may be allowed to give your views orally, provided that you are there when the Inquiry opens.

Statements submitted by the parties can be inspected at Rutland County Council Offices at Catmose during normal office hours.

Should you wish to receive a copy of the appeal decision, you should write to request one from the Inspectorate at: The Planning Inspectorate, 3/01 Kite Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6OPN. Please quote their Ref no. APP/A2470/A/10/2143475/NWF

Facilities are available for people with disabilities. Please Contact James Frieland on 01572 758288 if you would like more information about the facilities available.

All other enquiries:

Rutland County Council
LE15 6HP

Tel: 01572 722 577

Fax: 01572 758 373

Email: planning@rutland.gov.uk

DX: 28340 Oakham

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sainsbury Oakham Rutland County Council Planning Meeting

Full Council meets tonight to discuss the Sainsbury's Planning application.

The meeting takes place in the Council Chamber at Rutland County Council on Monday 14 March from 6.00pm.

Seating is limited and places for members of the public will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Last month (February), the application for a new Sainsbury’s store on the Oakham Bypass was rejected by the Development Control and Licensing Committee (DC&L).

However, the responsibility for making the final decision has now been passed to Full Council after four Councillors asked for the original decision to be reconsidered.

Sainsbury’s have submitted plans for a new foodstore (including cafeteria) at the junction of Lands End Way and the Oakham Bypass. The application also includes details of a car park (240 spaces), landscaping and petrol filling station.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Corruption within Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council Planning

Corruption within Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council Planning

A member of the public has pointed me into the direction of documents that can be found on-line.

That clearly show former Cllr Matthew Taylor who is employed by SSR Planning Northampton after being employed by Rutland County Council. He was co-opted onto Oakham Town Council just before the Town Council was asked to consider plans to build new homes at Catmose College by Stamford homes.

Cllr Matthew Taylor did not declare an interest at Oakham Town Councils planning committee.

I wonder why his friend Cllr Alf Dewis who also used to work for Rutland County Council, did not point this out as he knew where his friend works.

Documents clearly show Rutland County Council works with SSR Planning on behalf of Stamford Homes &
Allison Homes.

No wonder Rutland County Council leader Roger Begy states planning is the baine of him.

It is not yet known that former councillor Matthew Taylor resigned due to the above or if it was related to past bullying of a member of his ward.


The Town Clerk has pointed out the following:

I have been asked to point out to you that former Cllr Matthew Taylor did declare a Personal and Prejudicial interest in the planning application relating to the Stamford Homes application at the Vale of Catmose College site. The draft minutes of that meeting are attached.
The Committee has not met since the 17th November and these draft minutes will be considered for approval at the meeting scheduled for the 16th February
The member of the public disputes this.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Oakham Town Council Meeting 12th January 2011

Oakham Town Council met tonight in the council chamber at
Victoria Hall, 39 High Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AH
Telephone: 01572 723627 Fax: 01572 759395
e-mail: enquiries@oakhamtowncouncil.gov.uk


Cllr Sharon Spencer started the meeting looking very stressed.

Councillors accepted APOLOGIES according to Local Government Act 1972 Section 85(1) from Cllr Joyces Lucas Sick, Cllr Charles Haworth Sick, Cllr Swiffin Sick once again most of his term he has not attended. Cllr Mark Woodcock prior engagement these apologies were accepted by all members.

Members were asked to declare any interest they may have in respect to items on the
agenda Cllr Tor Clerk is an allotment holder

MINUTES Councillors confirmed the minutes of the meeting of Oakham Town Council held on
Wednesday December 15th 2010 and accepted them.

No question were questions previously notified to the Clerk under Standing Order 23

Councillor Sharon Spencer stated there were not outstanding matters from previous meeting.

To receive a report from the Chairman on functions attended and to receive reports
from Members who have attended meetings on behalf of Oakham Town Council
there were no reports from member a printed summary of the Mayors activities was circulated to members only this was not made public due to its confidential nature?

Members were asked to inform the Clerk of any changes in their Register of Member’s

CLERK’S REPORT – For information only
To receive a report from the Clerk

Members of the Public were invited to address the meeting in accordance with
procedures laid down in Standing Order 73 Councillor Sharon Spencer asked if Mr Brookes had anything to say, Mr Brookes asked for clarification for the reason Mr Woodcock was absent, she kindly repeated the information in a more audible manner. Much to the disapproval  of Cllr Dewis.

GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT Members awarded the Contract for the two year period April 1st 2011 – March 31st 2013 This was awarded to Cory the working group was made up of Cllr Dewis, Cllr Dodds and Cllr Woodcock.  The recommendation was proposed by Cllr Dewis and seconded by Cllr Dodds, (I wish I had popped accross to Ladbrokes.)

BUDGET 2011 – 2012 Councillors considered a Fourth Draft Budget to decide on any changes and to ratify the Council’s budget for the Financial Year 2011 - 2012 finally the budget was set saving council tax payers 1p Well done to the Clerk and the Chairman.

OAKHAM HOME GARDENS AND ALLOTMENT SOCIETY Councillors considered a letter received regarding fencing at the Burley Road Allotments and to decide whether to part fund the project.
Why are they begging the Council for cash their lease states they are responsible for this cost a cost far greater than the rental income the council receives. I was please Cllr Adam Lowe stood up and said he was unhappy there was only one quote for the work. Can the council please pay to replace my fence just a thought? After a lot of chat it was decided Cllr Adam Lowe would visit and the allotments and even take photographs is it wise for such a new Councillor to speak out so soon. Well done Cllr Lowe! Richard White Mumbled and me so he will also be visiting his mate Stan.
The public may not be aware the Council rent out the Allotments to various societies for a few pounds a year
and the tenants often come begging from the tax payer.

I wont mention the Sports Hall, Tennis Club or Bowls Club rents all places who make a profit from public property.

RISK ASSESSMENT Councillors discussed the Council’s Risk Assessment documentation, to agree on any changes necessary and to approve the Risk Assessment this was accepted

SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Councillors decided whether to approve the schedule of payments for December 2010 accepted

STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS Councillors decided whether to approve the Statement of Accounts to January 4th 2011 accepted

they considered the following applications received to date and made recommendations
thereon to Rutland County Council:

(i) APP/2010/1218/NT Enterprise Inns plc
Installation of 4 No. illuminated fascia signs and 1 No. illuminated hanging sign
Railway Hotel, Station Road

 Cllrs started of objecting to the new lighting until Cllr Taylor pointed out the pub already used similar lighting! the approved the application Cllr Dodds said it look pretty.

(ii) APP/2010/1277/NT Mrs S Day Construction of single storey extension to side (east) elevation of dwelling. Pitched roof in place of flat roof to garage 7, The Vale Oakham

Cllr Taylor looked at the drawings and said I know this architect and left the room declaring an interest.
the application was passed.

(iii) APP/2010/1246/APB Mr McCreath
Fell 1 No. Pine tree, trim limbs of 2 No. Pine trees and prune 1 No. Yew tree
The Bungalow, 1 Mount Pleasant, Uppingham Road

The application was passed as it was a new application based on request made at a previous application.

(iv) APP/2010/1220/APB Central Networks
Erection of 3 No. electricity substations
Substations, Station Road

Although this application was in central Oakham it appeared very few Cllrs had a clue to where the very visible site was. problem is most drive and don't notice much. Cllr Tor Clerk who does walk and cycle knew the location and like me noticed the work had already started. the application was approved.

(v) APP/2010/1216/PG Hawksmead Ltd
Outline application for erection of hotel and associated works
Hotel, Hawksmead Site, Lands End Way

All Councillor seemed to agree a budget hotel would be good for Oakham, The Council suggest the developer has missed a trick and could be more adventurous  and thought  106 payment that is the legal bribe paid by large developers to gain planning permission should encourage people to visit the town, on foot or by public transport.

(vi) APP/2010/1248/APB Mr and Mrs Cave
Construction of single storey extension to side (southwest) elevation following
demolition of existing garage
85 Brooke Road

 The Clerk and all his expertise with planning matters said he had a issue with the application because the applicant was not allowing for access into the back garden. It was left to planning expert Cllr Matthew Taylor to explain this was not so. I am please Cllr Matthew Taylor is now serving on the council because it is very clear The Town Clerk has so many times in the past incorrectly advised influenced Councillors planning decisions .

Concillors decided whether to exclude the Press and Public, under Section 1(2) of the Public
Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, during consideration of Item 18 on the
agenda due to the confidential nature of the matters to be discussed

STAFFING MATTERS Councillors discussed various unknown matters and  decided on an appropriate way forward?