Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Oakham Town Councils New Planning, Parks Committee

Oakham Town Councils New  Planning and Parks Committee meets tonight at 7.00pm
Victoria Hall, High Street, Oakham.

It was hoped Councillors would finally receive some formal training.

A senior planning officer from Rutland County Council was going to provide a hour of training. However the officer has another commitment.

Since returning to the council in May there has been no training for any Councillors.

If was to put an planning application before Oakham Town Council I would be very concerned, especially if they don't like you......

Gone are the days I found it amusing to watch and listen to  Councillors asking questions like "why have they got a beach hut on the roof" when it was clear to all it was a window.

Planning is a serious issue for those who apply.

Planning of course is not a priority for Oakham Town Council we still don't have a plan for the Council.