Showing posts with label Sainsbury HQ Holborn London. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sainsbury HQ Holborn London. Show all posts

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sainsbury's Oakham Rutland New 2012 Planning Application Ref: APP/2012/0665


Sainsbury Sponsored the Paralympic Games

Sainbury's has lodged a new planning application to build a new store in Oakham Rutland

Sainsbury's is seeking permission to build a new store on the former Rutland County College site.

If your have any views for or against please send those views to:

Patrick Gear Planning Officer, 

Development Control, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP

Comments can be sent to Oakham Town Council although the council is weak and pathetic 
when it comes to many local issues including planning,

(I remember when the foolishly voted not to approve an application from Tesco to demolish a bungalow, but they went on to vote approval for the extension of the car park. Maybe they had a vision of a mezzanine style construction over the plot? Its no surprise Sainsbury's does not include there details in their publicity)

Oakham Town Council are statutory consultee

Victoria Hall, 39 High Street Oakham, LE15 6AH.

Telephone:      01572 723627
e-mail:             enquiries@oakhamtowncouncil.gov.uk


Sainsbury HQ Holborn London

Contact your County Councillor:


Representing: Oakham North East (East of Railway Line, North of South Street, Mill Street and Burley Road)

Jeff Dale
Mr Jeffrey T Dale (Ind)
12 Station Road
Wing Hollow
Rutland LE15 8RY

Tel: (01572) 723569

Alan Walters
Mr Alan Walters (Ind)
15 Queen's Road
Rutland LE15 6ED

Tel: 01572 770 884

Mr Richard J Gale (Independent)
'Meadowsweet Farm'
Knossington Road
Rutland LE15 8QX

Tel: (01572) 757770

Mark Woodcock
Mr Mark Woodcock (Indepedent)
33 Harrington Way
Rutland LE15 6SE

Tel: (01572) 755814


Representing: Oakham South East (East of Railway Line, South of South Street, Mill Street and Burley Road)

Jonathan Munton
Mr Jonathan Munton (Con)
6 Brooke Close
Rutland LE15 6GD

Tel: (01572) 770733

Gene Plews
Mr Gene Plews (Con)
Democratic Services
Rutland County Council
Rutland LE15 6HP
Mobile: 07999 649 824


Representing: Oakham South West (West of Railway Line, South of Braunston Road)

Joanna Figgis
Mrs Joanna Figgis (Con)
College House
Church Street
Rutland LE15 6AA

phone: 07590 033 680

David Richardson
Mr David Richardson (Independent)
71 Brooke Road
Rutland LE15 6HG


If you would like further information or have any questions to ask
Sainsbury's please call Joyce Yip on Sainsbury's freephone 0800 975 5299

Sainsbury's Oakham Planning Application Ref: APP/2012/0665

Has been received by Rutland County Council

The plans can be viewed online at www.rutland.gov.uk

It takes a few clicks to find it so here is the page

Sainsbury Planning Application 

This page shows details of the planning application 
If you would like to send comments on this application to the Development Control Team please click on the Comment on Application button, complete your comments and press the Send button. Please note that the comments you make will be available for the public to see.
Application details
Reference numberAPP/2012/0665Application TypeMajor Application Type
Site addressThe Rutland College
Barleythorpe Road Oakham
LE15 6QH
ProposalDemolition of vacant college buildings and erection of a retail store (use class A1), car parking, servicing, recycling facility, biomass boiler, landscaping and associated highway works including the creation of a new access road to Lonsdale House and new roundabout at junction of Barleythorpe Road and Lands End Way.
Received Date11/09/2012Valid date11/09/2012
StatusPending DecisionDecision date
Committee TypeDelegatedCommittee Date
Agent nameMr Tim WaringCase OfficerPatrick Gear
Agent addressToronto Square
Leeds LS1 2HJ
Applicant nameMr Tim Waring
Calculated Fee17865.00ParishOAKHAM
Consultation Start Date17/09/2012Consultation End Date12/10/2012
14/09/2012Geo technical assessment.pdf
14/09/2012A072832 Oakham - Tresham College Extended Phase 1 Report- update july 2012.pdf
14/09/2012A077315 SSL Oakham Lighting Assessment 05 SEP JC xtc and sketches.pdf
14/09/2012A077315 SSL Oakham Tresham 24 August 2012 rev1 dp and sketches Noise Assess.pdf
14/09/2012Air Quality Report with Appendices.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-001xD Location Plan.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-002x Ex Site Plan.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-003xA Prop Site Plan.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-004x Prop Store Plan.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-005x Prop Roof Plan.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-006x Prop Elevations.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-007x Ex Sections.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-008x Prop Sections.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-009x Recycle Centre.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-010x Service Yard Details.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-020x Demo Site Plan.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-021x Ex Elevations.pdf
14/09/2012A-PL-022x Ex Elevations.pdf
14/09/2012Bat Activity Report.pdf
14/09/2012Flood Risk and Drainage.pdf
14/09/2012GC.65002.PL.001.A Tree Survey Plan.pdf
14/09/2012GC.65002.PL.002 Tree Constraints and Protection Plan.pdf
14/09/2012GC.65002.PL.003 Tree Retention and Removal Plan.pdf
14/09/2012GC.65002.PL.005 Detailed Planting Plan.pdf
18/09/2012Application FormOakham application form.pdf
18/09/2012Design & Access StatementOakham Design Statement_Rev C - 07-09-12 - Low Quality.pdf
18/09/2012Planning & Retail ReportPlanning and Retail Report.pdf
18/09/2012SSL Oakham- Renewable Energy Efficiency Report _issue 4_ 05.09.12.pdf
18/09/2012Oakham Sainsburys Archaeological Report.pdf
18/09/2012Oakham SCI - With Appendices.pdf
18/09/2012R01-PS-Transport Assessment-2012.09.10.pdf
18/09/2012R01-PS-Transport Assessment-2012.09.10 Vol 1.pdf
18/09/2012R01-PS-Transport Assessment-2012.09.10 Vol 2 Figures and Appendices.pdf
18/09/2012Sainsbury Oakham - Arboricultural Report - July 2012.pdf
18/09/2012Sainsbury Oakham Landscape Report August 2012.pdf
18/09/2012Sport England - 18-09-2012Sport England - 18-09-2012.pdf
19/09/2012Sport England - 19-09-2012Sport England - 19-09-2012.pdf
20/09/2012Fowler - 20/09/2012Fowler - 20 Sep 2012.pdf