Friday, November 16, 2012

Richard Rhodes, Police and Crime Commissioner, Cumbria

The Conservative Party Candidate
Force area:

Richard Rhodes

Election statement:
Richard Rhodes has been a Magistrate for 33 years, and is currently Chair of 
Cumbria Probation Trust and Chair of the Safer Cumbria Direction Group.
Enforcement is the principal element in reducing crime but it isn’t the only one. 
Using my extensive experience of the criminal justice system, I will develop 
a range of interventions to support victims, reduce re-offending and ensure 
public safety to reinforce the activities of a high achieving Constabulary in Cumbria”
Establish an Executive Committee of the Chief Constable, Chief Executive
and Treasurer to determine policy and strategy, deliverable within budget and
including a crime mapping strategy.
Create an Office of Public Engagement, to be proactive in monitoring
public opinion.
Establish an Office of Victim Support, to supervise practical help to the
victims of crime, including domestic violence and hate crime. This will involve
voluntary and public sector organisations.
Promote Restorative Justice to reduce re-offending and boost confidence.
Work will be commissioned from the public, private, voluntary and faith sectors
with four main target areas:-
            Anti-social behaviour    The greatest area of public concern.
            Veterans                           The largest occupational group in prison.
            Youth Justice                  A greater overall coordination in the dealing with 
Youth Crime.
            Rural Crime                     Cumbria has a particular need to address 
this issue.
Embrace the good work of Local Authorities, Safer Cumbria, Community
Safety Partnerships, and the Health and Well Being boards, amongst others,
working with statutory agencies such as the Police,  Probation Service,
Youth Offending service, the Health Authorities and Education services.
It is worth noting that the recent HMIC Inspection showed that in the Cumbria
Area costs had been reduced retaining high levels of public satisfaction and a
lower crime rate.
Prepared by Neville Lishman (Election Agent) on behalf of  Richard Rhodes both of 
31 Chiswick Street, Carlisle. CA1 1HJ
Contact details:   info@richardrhodes.org.uk