Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cowards and Bullying Vile People on the Run, Leicestershire Police, Oakytaxidriver, Tish Holland

Cowards and Bullying Vile People on the Run.

Tish Holland and Oakytaxidriver think they can run from Leicestershire Police High Tech Crime Unit
by deleting their accounts some time today.

Possibly too late the police know your ID and have copies of your offending activity.

Your meaning one person .

I have just retrieved these screen shots from Google :-)

I will never forgive who ever Tish Holland is for posting very serious lies on The Catmose College, Facebook page asking parents to check out the false allegation with  the worst Licestershire Police Inspector, Johnny Monks, this resulted in me being attacked in the street and then receiving a letter from a anonymous person offering to pay the young attacker £25

Inspector Monks did nothing to stop this five years of abuse, he is a disgrace to the service.

And Leicestershire Police are a disgrace as they still refuse to tell me who they have arrested.

They have now agreed to tell me the person, who hates and stalks me is out on unconditional bail!

I don't like to wear the victim badge, but that is how the police describe me and two others and this is how
Leicestershire Police treat victims.

Tish Holland

Tish Holland


Finally decided to see what all the fuss is about, so here I am. Just your not-so-average good Jewish girl (what am I doing in Rutland?!!!)


  1. Voormalig Hezbollahleider bezoekt Messiaanse Joden: Een Messiaans-Joodse gemeente in Bowling Green, Kentucky h...
  2. Sir John Sawyers, MI6 chief, made secret trip to meet Israeli PM to head off plans to bomb Iran's...  via 
  3.  we're off to the Grainy now for our last drink, I think you owe us a round!
  4. ...why do your English strawberries go furry the same day you buy them?
  5. Tomorrow I get out of this rain soaked country for a whole month!
  6. Like this: Disgraced  ex councillor Martin Brookes claims he is "God's Gift To Men" 
  7.  if u use the # tag more people will pick your subject up
  8.  And? so who is it, please don't mess about why do you do it
  9. all very funny but extremely weird verging on the creepy!
  10. Just as I leave the British summer is going to arrive
  11. Asteroid nearly a mile wide will sail past Earth this Sunday via 
  12. Why o why do they do it? Israeli protester sets himself on fire via 
  13. Sunderland fan, 21, forced off Twitter for not knowing Wimbledon is in London  via 
  14. can't wait for the Torch tomorrow, I'm as excited as the Kids!
  15. I suppose somethings just can't be made up!
  16. Another night working late on the concert! Hope the parents appreciate it
  17. New laws will make Facebook and Twitter responsible for internet trolls unless they name them 

Dave B

Dave B


I love my cars, allotment and my wife, not necessarily in that order. Oh, and there's some kids in there too somewhere


  1.   The Council (as a body) isn't suing but will indemnify officers who do. Chose not to be a test case
  2. Rutland County Council is pursuing legal action against three of its councillors to "prevent harrassment" of its staff. Story online soon
  3. Polish sex attacker 'stabbed to death by passer-by as he molested girl, 18, in the street'  via 
  4.  That border is sooooo cute!! Shame they can't stay puppies forever
  5. potholes are seriously adding to journey times!
  6. seeing in the NY in the Grainy, looks like it will be a great night
  7.  Obvious that the disgraced  councillor has failed to get  shut down