Thursday, January 10, 2013

Leicestershire Police

Leicestershire Police

Yesterday I attended a meeting with Leicestershire Police.

I must say this time the meeting on  the surface appears to be a bit more fruitful.
Only time will tell.

As we now move into the 6th year of when  the
harassment of my friends and I started, because I criticise our local governance.

It would appear the Chief constable has been awoken. I know the new Police and Crime Commissioner
has received letters about this from others and none from me because i don't expect a Tory to help with
my case.

It was good to hear an Inspector say some one or somebodies? has for far too
long been doing something they should not be doing and this has got out of control.

He even suggested the villain had now started taking the mickey out of the police.

I  departed the meeting knowing a very large file is being passed to the CPS
to seek guidance on what charges can be brought against those involved.

And division of Leicestershire Polices serious crime department is to take
over the investigation.