Friday, January 11, 2013

Rutland County Council First Council To Sue Three of Its Own Councillors?

Rutland County Council First Council To Sue Three of Its Own Councillors

This evening Roger Begy Conservative Leader of the Council said "it's a Black Day For Rutland

I  attended the special meeting

It was very clear from the start, some people were not happy with my presence.

The wife of Tory Gene Plews made several attempts to obstruct me from photographing the BBC
camera in the council reception area.

She gave up, after I spoke to the BBC man who said He was camera shy and had no problem with me taking a photograph if he was not in it.

Mrs Plews then shouted how can you be a community reporter your on benefit echoing the offensive behaviour I am often subjected to. I told her to shut up as she was sounding like a certain blogger, Letter writer and tweeter the police would like to meet.

Cllr Joyce Lucas form  Oakham Town Council proceeded to advise people to end their conversation
in case I was recording them?

When I sat in the Chamber Mrs Plews approached and sat quite close, I felt uncomfortable and spoke to Mrs Briggs who consented to me being able to sit in the press area and tweet in peace
which I thank her. I calmed down and tweeted as much information as possible not easy from a  smart phone.

The meeting started at 7.00pm

The usual formalities were conducted

Then we heard a public deputation from a resident

Helen Pender gave a deputation, condemning Bevan Brittan. and Rutland County Councils employment procedures

Councillors had no question to put to Mrs Pender.

Helen Pender resident then asked various questions, The Chief  Executive responded as briefly as you would expect.

I was told off for commenting “crap” to one of her answers.

Bevan Brittan solicitor replied to one of the questions saying he had a conversation with Mr Green about his article in the Newstatesman published today,. He said Mr Green is wrong and they agreed to differ.

I find it annoying he can name me in his report but when I contact him he tells me he is not paid by Rutland County Council to correspond with me. Are they paying him to speak to the media?

Now it was time for Bevan Britans solicitor to introduce himself and put his case.

He gave his name but I forgot the bit past Keith Peter......

He agreed with Mrs Pender's description of him, by saying he was a Provincial jobbing Solicitor.

He said this very is serious and damaging for Rutland County Council, The Deformation of the council is critical and not something to be ignored by the authority.

He said he was concerned for officers and stress claims that could be brought against the authority.
The Authority had a duty of care to all its employees.

He referred to paragraph 5.2 of his report and suggested the council should approve that in principle.

The minimum the council should do is serve an injunction against Cllrs Gale, Wainwright,  and  Richardson to protect COE and officers from further harassment.

Police involvement is not critical, he explained of cases where this had hindered civil cases and the
person had got away with civil action because of this.

He did not recommend mediation.

The Council should enforce secure email system use and  if Cllrs chose to use private email they should not be treated as cllrs.

He finished off by strongly recommending legal action is taken by the council against the anti corruption group. A slip of the tongue and he nearly repeated Cllr Baines previous allegation by calling  them the  corrupt group.

Then it was time for Councillors to speak, it would be fair to say this part did not do many
Councillors much good, many used the opportunity to call the three councillors on trial Liars and dishonest amongst many other things. Cllr Walters very late in the meeting said None of the Three
Councillors have never named any other Councillor that they think is corrupt. But many Councillors defamed and named publicly the three members of the Anti Corruption Group. They were also subjected to some very childish personal attacks.

Listening this evening it has become much clearer to me that this is a personal fight that goes back many years and the main target appears to be Cllr Richardson, I believe the tax payers of Rutland will
all suffer because of this historic fight. I think the time has come to place  a limit on how many terms
a councillor can serve. You can not deny the passion some of the old guard show to serve Rutland.
but at what cost?

Cllr Roger Begy Tory Leader opened the debate saying the meeting is important, The council is not corrupt. He went on to List all  the councils historic achievements. He said the  staff do a great job,

He repeated his past meeting motion,  he claimed the anti corruption group is not open and transparent.

Although he is a Tory he has never used the whip.” You only have to look at my members to see why I don't?”

He accused the Anti Corruption Group of whispering falsely.

Cllr Cross said we are lucky  to live in an open society. FOI should be used responsibly and you  should be responsible for your actions if asking questions time and time again

He condemns harassment conducted by the three Councillors  He asks the cost and how many questions have been asked by the members. And the tone of those was request was important to him.

Mrs Briggs responded  1 request from Cllr Gale and 21 from Cllr Richardson

She said Cllr Richardson has one point of contact due to the volume of questions  he has made 14 breaches of the single point of contact.

Mrs Briggs said some of Cllr Richardson's emails contained strong words.

Cllr Lammie said he was not happy with the allegation made by Cllr Gale, that there is a black hole in the councils  accounts.

Cllr Lammie said he will find it hard to believe what The Rutland Anti Corruption Group have to say. He said “they lie”

He added he was shocked by the lack of cooperation within the council then finishes by saying he will support legal action.

Cllr Pocock said Rutland Anti Corruption members have put council matters at risk by using personal emails and spread viruses. Because of their refusal to use the councils secure service.

Cllr Cartwright a former planning officer at the council said her reputation has been questioned. It is unacceptable I am shocked and saddened by the action of  The Rutland Anti Corruption members

Cllr Baines said this not a recent attack, it has gone on for years and the whole council suffers from their subversive behaviour.

He then started  attacking Councillor Gale bringing up matters from 20 years ago. He was stopped and after various discussions he was permitted to continue and his attack moved onto Cllr Wainwright
he said Cllr Wainwright had lost his planning portfolio role due to abuse of the position and said he had also failed many times to declare his interests.

Cllr Figgis is a Tory and new to the council and is a primary school teacher married to the Deputy Head of Oakham School. She is the only one I felt really meant what she was saying and it was rather sad to listen to. She said if she wanted to listen to arguing she goes into her kitchen were her little children share one I pad. She said she knew being a councillor might be a task, but she was not prepared for the reality. She has found it hostile and suffered sleepless nights. She has never seen any corruption.

Cllr Montgomery said he stood as a councillor because of residents frustrations not naming them he said the residents claimed a lack of interest from their councillors. He said he left the RAC group due to lack their lack of evidence to back up there claims.

Cllr Plews listed all the good things he has done for his ward.

Cllr Plews asked what has Cllr Richardson cost the council since he became a councillor?

He said I am still waiting for an answer, why does Cllr Richardson says the council is corrupt?

He tells me the answers are all in his attic?

Roger Begy answering the question on cost said  the actions of RAC thousand and likely to total  millions.

Cllr Hollis asked the  CEO how the actions of RAC have effected the staff and community?

CEO said staff have raised many concerns about the groups name. She also says junior staff are scared to make decision or write reports

Cllr Waller who previously worked for the audit commission talks about bribes related to the little build. She says no one could be bribed and is very Is offended that anyone would suggest such a thing.
Cllr Waller says Rutland Council staff are treated poorly. Looking back at her time in Westminster this is the worst example she has ever seen

Cllr Barry Roper said he is saddened the integrity of the council is damaged. And it will take a long to repair. He said he was looking forward to the response from the 3 gentleman.

Cllr Stephenson said she speaks with a heavy heart. Lists good working Cllrs and describes RAC as the 'unholy trinity' She has learnt bullying and harassment from them.

Cllr King expresses his feelings of guilt that he asked new members to join the council.

I hope his guilt will one day extend to the manner or lack of them he has in the past shown towards me.
I almost believed the old Lion had become tame and was sincere?

Cllr King went onto list Cllr Richardson constant complaining,. His said his attendance is poor. Goes in pub telling people I am corrupt and blames police and standards investigations for his poor attendance.

Cllr King says this not new it has gone on for years.

Cllr King said the RAC are not honest

Cllr Bool says to public, please be assured there is no corruption. There is no black hole. Suggests RAC took advise from a turf accountant not turd as I mistakenly tweeted!!
Cllr Bool is on the face of it one of the respectable looking Tories and said he has a reputation to uphold as a director of many companies.

Cllr Bool proposed an amendment to the proposal  suggesting the council takes all legal action including the CEO making a report to Leicestershire Police. This was later removed as any police investigation would likely harm any civil action.

Cllr Bool describes RAC's actions as a silly task

Cllr Pocock. Questions the need to involve the police as it might delay civil proceedings

Bevan Brittan say their experience of police involvement will delay civil proceedings and could let the person off, letting them claim a false victory if the police took no action.

Cllr Pocock asks for the police involvement to be removed from proposal. Cllr Baines and His seconder agree.

Cllr Gale points out he has never stopped using the councils secure email  system.

Cllr Gale raises a concern about the threat made to take them to court at a previous meeting. Concerns about defamatory remarks which he feels he will need to seek advice on.

Cllr Gale says the group is subjected to unsubstantiated attacks when all they want is openness and transparency and to be able to do their work as Councillors.

Cllr Richardson talks about the reason standards for England was scrapped. Then quotes ministers words about transparency and accountability

I wonder if Standards for England still was an option if we would have had this meeting tonight.

It was a tool used against me from the first day I became a Councillor

Cllr Leader Roger Begy has had many complaints made against him they run into double figures all accept one were dealt with locally and because standards for England don't consider those complaints he was just given a slap on the wrist  I am sure if he was treated in the same way by his standards committee as I was he would have also been banned.

Cllr Richardson quoted a lot from the minister who abolished Standards for England all to much too remember for here.

Cllr Richardson stated a councillors right to see documents and reports to carry out their work.

He finished by saying we have acted in good faith and honesty. And behalf of electoral.

Cllr Oxley "a proud Liberal" quotes a FOI request about the Oakham Football Club made by Cllr Richardson this relates to the move to Barleythorpe and land issues, he says leave it is history.
I am not sure what he means by this, Is he saying as a Councillor if you think something is wrong
and a period of time has passed you should ignore it? A very strange opinion.

Cllr Oxely says there is no corruption the three Councillors should retract the allegation and say sorry.

Cllr Wainwright says the Bevan Brittan report is Academic and speculation and full of mistakes.
He also said leader and deputy leader, cherry pick the report to use for mischievous purposes.

Referring to the allegation of harassment via emails, he said after four months of questions the group had found  £3.5 million of public assets had been written off. £3.5 million is  a lot of public money.

Cllr Begy. Said if details about Aman Mehra's employment issues which led to his suicide were revealed it would be very damaging to all his family. If that is true why male a statement like that at a public meeting. He said Mrs Briggs is braver than him, she has asked for the details to be released to shut people up.*

I am sure one day it will be made public, it was suggested the Anti Corruption Group were responsible for some of the family changing there mind after they had told the council they were happy to go along with his widows wishes. If they did then they must have acted quickly because I read a news report after the inquest and it named family members   who said there were questions to be answered.

Cllr King said Cllr Richardson's allegations are all fiction.

Cllr King said if he asks officers who is  more challenging they wont point to Cllr Richardson, but point to him, he declared he challenges them in the correct way for the correct reasons

Cllr Dale supports Cllr Oxely. Cllr Dale is saddened. He says claims no expenses, he finds it difficult
when people approach him at work and ask how much have you earned in your back pocket this week because people have heard of the allegations made.

Cllr Walters asks RAC members to name corrupt members. He once described Cllr Roper a C*nt. Used online a forum to ask who the f*ck I am, a bit of a joke for hi to take the morale high ground, thankfully his lack of knowledge of procedure meant we not get to hear all he had to say. He sort of through the
meeting into a pickle that seemed to go on for ages.

A member of the public at this point got fed up and interrupted meeting a named a former councillor as corrupt, she said Cllr Gene Plews had given her the information.

Cllr Baines says the council accounts are fine, he strongly expressed his anger about what he sees as the political use of a employees suicide.

He went onto to remind all of what an old stickler he is, he refuses to use email and compared
strings of emails like a sewage system that needs cleaning out with a jet wash,

He said he would have withdrawn his motion if the three councillors had taken action to rectify their damage,

Cllr Baines said the cost of the legal action equates to £1 per resident.  He also loves this county of Rutland.

I am no expert but I think this is going to cost a lot more than he anticipates.

Bevan Brittan estimate £90,000 costs. That does not include other costs, Some one suggest if the cases are brought this could run into millions, can Rutland afford this risk?

On Twitter it has been suggested the tax payer could challenge this expenditure?

Roger Begy said before the vote  this a Black night for this council.

CEO withdraws from meeting

Rutland County Council become the first council to vote to take  legal action against its members and will pay for CEO to take action personal action,

And injunctions will be processed and served on three elected councillors,

    Authorise the authority to take legal action to seek an injunction to prevent harassment of the Chief Executive and other officers by the Anti-Corruption Group and its members;
Resolve to grant an indemnity to, and support the Chief Executive and/or other officers, to take legal action in her/their own name(s) for harassment by the Anti-Corruption Group and its members;
    Resolve that all communications to any part of the Council from the Anti-Corruption Group and its members be subject to a Single Point of Contact, subject to periodic report back from the Chief Executive.  Also, that members of the Rutland Anti-Corruption Group use the secure GCSX council email system.
    Authorise sufficient council funds be made available for these purposes

What a sad state of affairs.

* I have received a request from Rutland County Council asking me to correct this comment

Geoffrey Pook (GPook@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk)

To: martinjbrookes@outlook.com
Hello Mr Brookes.

I understand that your blog account of last evening’s meeting includes a reference to Cllr Begy saying Mrs Briggs is braver than him, she asked for the details (relating to Mr Mehra) to be released.

In fact the point he was making was that Mrs Briggs was braver than him because he wished to say more about the matter, but she was determined to honour an undertaking to Mr Mehra’s widow not to do so.

I hope you will agree it would be fair to correct the entry.

Thank you.
Geoff Pook

Geoff Pook | Head of Corporate Governance
Rutland County Council
Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
t: 01572 722577 | f: 01572 758305