Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Private Eye, Rutland County Council, Bullying, Irked, Silliest Council, Bevan Brittan, Sinister, Roger Begy, Helen Briggs, Rutland Anti Corruption Party

Rutland County Council Past it's Best!

I don't think even a copy of Private Eye or a can of Tesco  Every Day Value Air Freshener 33p
Can clean up, the stink that is Rutland County Council, MP Alan Duncan said the conduct of the three Rutland Anti Corruption Councillors Stinks.

My senses tell me the only stink coming from Rutland County Council is that dished out by the old farts
who bully anyone who dares to question their ruling  methods.

When we have councillors who are elected unopposed  because of public fear,  Nothing will change.
Any new young  fresh life, seems to become intoxicated and overcome very quickly  by the toxic nature of the old farts.

Occasionally a Tory Councillor will get fed up and speak out.

When Conservative Councillor Nick Wainwright could take it no more, he named the bullies at that time.
The Leader Conservative  Roger Begy and The Deputy  Conservative  Leader Terry King and the Chief Executive  Helen Briggs. (from my personal experience  I would add Gene Plews.

At the last meeting for two Conservative Councillors  Mr and  Mrs Wells, Mr Wells said:
"they would rather work with Robert Gabriel Mugabe the current President of Zimbabwe than work with Council Leader Mr Roger B Begy (Conservative) - GREETHAM WARD."

We have a similar situation with Oakham  Town Council the old guard who can not let go.
Mr Paul Beech bullying from a public position.

His own brother explains on Facebook how he is very pleased to still own both his legs and describes
his brother as a bully.

Private Eye seen below mention some of recent advice given to Rutland County Council and how they might like to involve the police to bully the three councillors  further. I would like to think Leicestershire Police have learnt from that past mistakes and that won't happen, only time will tell.

Now who are the Laughing Stocks, Mr Lucas and Bevan Brittan or Rutland County Council? Both

Are the tax payers of Rutland  going to let this rotten council squander £90,000 of its money
on more  ill advised legal activity?

Bevan Brittan have already robbed the tax payer of over £10,000

£8,000 for the recent report and £2350.00 back in 2010. 


Private Eye, Rutland County Council, Bullying, Irked, Silliest Council, Bevan Brittan, Sinister, Roger Begy, Helen Briggs, Rutland  Anti Corruption Party