Showing posts with label Private Eye. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Private Eye. Show all posts

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Ian Hislop Editor, Private Eye, Charlie Hebdo, Prince, Youth Opportunity Expert

Editor's Statement

Charlie Hebdo

I am appalled and shocked by this horrific attack - a murderous attack on free speech in the heart of Europe. I offer my condolences to the families and friends of those killed - the cartoonists, journalists and those who were trying to protect them. They paid a very high price for exercising their comic liberty. Very little seems funny today.

Ian Hislop
Editor, Private Eye           www.private-eye.co.uk

Monday, September 29, 2014

Rutland County Council (DC) Legal Bullies of the year, Private Eye, Will they never learn? Wilkin Chapman Grange Solicitors

Rutland County Council are living up to their Private Eye Award as Legal Bullies of the Year

During my two weeks of protest at Rutland County Council

They have called the police and fortunately the police have upheld my right to protest.

Today once again the police confirmed my right to protest outside the council, Sgt J Hodson of Leicestershire Police during my protest was very courteous.

Today the council despite this sent me the letter shown below from a legal executive in Grimsby.

The letter is extraordinary.

Considering the the gentleman has not been fully informed of the harassment I have
endured over many years, at the hands of local politicians and the Chief Executive
and their corrupt local police who are currently subject to an ongoing investigation
which could lead to criminal proceedings being brought by the Anti Corruption Unit
of Leicestershire Police.

For Rutland County Council to demand an apology from me is a travesty of common justice and the height insolence.

I can fully understand why Mrs Briggs and co, does not want to tolerate my presence at the
council entrance.

Over the last two weeks, I have seen a lot of unhappy RCC customers. Today
two members of the public spoke to me and raised allegations of harassment by the daughter of Cllr
Edward Baines, She is an Uppingham Town Councillor. The people claim
her behaviour is unacceptable, perhaps like so many of my foes, they suggest
the over consumption of liquid refreshment might be the cause. (I have had to tone down their comments)

Trolls of Rotland.v Laura Norder

Dishonest RCC claim my protest in causing alarm and distress, Please can they explain
why most people smile.

Is Roger Begy's and Edward Baines' smile just a smile of embarrassment?

The council claim the noise is excessive, I wonder what the Decibel levels are from
my tiny speakers. I am sure well within legal limits.


Friday, January 10, 2014

Private Eye, Award, Rutland County Council, Watch Out UKIP Wainwright and Chums there's a Panther behind you

Private Eye, Award, Rutland County Council, Watch Out UKIP Wainwright and
Chums there's a Panther behind you.

The Rotten Borough of Rutland has received an award from Private Eye.
Legal Bully of The Year.

sitting left UKIP Cllr Wainwright and Right UKIP Cllr Gale

UKIP Cllr Wainwright ex Tory and those others Rutland Council continually
bully need to watch their back, the rotten council wont be pleased with this award
and I am sure they are lurking behind them waiting to pounce at first opportunity.

rotten boroughs
Those Rotten Boroughs Awards in full
Municipal mischief, Issue 1357
Runners-up Scarborough borough council threatened to close down a website, Real Whitby, which had carried embarrassing stories about councillors. Chief legal officer Lisa Dixon demanded that “defamatory and untrue” material be removed. Real Whitby asked for examples, but Dixon could not provide any. WinnersRutland county council, which set aside £90,000 of taxpayers’ money to seek an injunction against three of its own councillors (the “Rutland Anti-Corruption Party”) who had been asking awkward questions. The council tested the water by prosecuting another critic, blogger Martin Brookes, for “harassing and stalking” chief exec Helen Briggs. District judge John Temperley found Brookes not guilty, declaring: “Freedom of expression is an essential function of a democratic society. It is applicable also to those who offend and shock.” A hero on the bench!

To read all these stories in full, you can buy the latest edition of Private Eye - orsubscribe here and have the magazine delivered to your home every fortnight.

Next issue on sale:
21st January 2014.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Rebekah Brooks, Private Eye, Halloween Special

Rebekah Brooks, Private Eye, Halloween Special

 this is the Private Eye Rebekah Brooks cover that police reportedly don't want to be sold

Previous 2012  issue

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Rutland Resident, Letter to, Ian Hislop, Private Eye, RTutland County Council, Anti Corruption Party

Rutland Resident
c/o Catch 22, George Orwell Way, Feudal Rutland
Ian Hislop Esq
The Editor
Letters Page
80 Bond Street
London W1S 1SB


You report that Helen Briggs CEO of Rutland County Council (“Rotten Boroughs” Eyes passim 1329 & 1332) appears to be so traumatised by three Rutland Anti-Corruption Group Councillors’ 22 FOI questions, since May 2011, that she has been authorised to complain to Leicestershire police and a slush fund of £90,000 put aside to seek an injunction to stop democratically elected Councillors asking future questions. Since the local papers merely print regurgitated Rutland County Council press releases would you mind asking:

Why has Rutland County Council’s CEO, Helen Briggs elected to be the Rutland Anti-Corruption Councillors’ “single point of contact” for all future questions? Is she a glutton for punishment? Does she enjoy being harassed? Or should she reconsider her position as Chief Executive and hand over to someone who understands democratic processes and that questions deserve answers, especially if asked by those elected to public office?

Yours in deep admiration and gratitude,

Rutland Resident

P.S. Without Private Eye these three Councillors, who do an excellent job in holding the recalcitrant and overly taciturn ruling party to account, would have been silenced. Alan Duncan MP received front page coverage in the local papers (17/18 January) when he castigated them and asked them to resign. He said he’d prefer to have Socialists elected instead! The only Socialist remains in the closet fearing to publicise his allegiance, he speaks against the Ruling Tories and almost always votes with them. The climate of secrecy is endemic in the gold fish bowl of Rutland. Thank you a thousand times.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Private Eye, Rutland County Council, Bullying, Irked, Silliest Council, Bevan Brittan, Sinister, Roger Begy, Helen Briggs, Rutland Anti Corruption Party

Rutland County Council Past it's Best!

I don't think even a copy of Private Eye or a can of Tesco  Every Day Value Air Freshener 33p
Can clean up, the stink that is Rutland County Council, MP Alan Duncan said the conduct of the three Rutland Anti Corruption Councillors Stinks.

My senses tell me the only stink coming from Rutland County Council is that dished out by the old farts
who bully anyone who dares to question their ruling  methods.

When we have councillors who are elected unopposed  because of public fear,  Nothing will change.
Any new young  fresh life, seems to become intoxicated and overcome very quickly  by the toxic nature of the old farts.

Occasionally a Tory Councillor will get fed up and speak out.

When Conservative Councillor Nick Wainwright could take it no more, he named the bullies at that time.
The Leader Conservative  Roger Begy and The Deputy  Conservative  Leader Terry King and the Chief Executive  Helen Briggs. (from my personal experience  I would add Gene Plews.

At the last meeting for two Conservative Councillors  Mr and  Mrs Wells, Mr Wells said:
"they would rather work with Robert Gabriel Mugabe the current President of Zimbabwe than work with Council Leader Mr Roger B Begy (Conservative) - GREETHAM WARD."

We have a similar situation with Oakham  Town Council the old guard who can not let go.
Mr Paul Beech bullying from a public position.

His own brother explains on Facebook how he is very pleased to still own both his legs and describes
his brother as a bully.

Private Eye seen below mention some of recent advice given to Rutland County Council and how they might like to involve the police to bully the three councillors  further. I would like to think Leicestershire Police have learnt from that past mistakes and that won't happen, only time will tell.

Now who are the Laughing Stocks, Mr Lucas and Bevan Brittan or Rutland County Council? Both

Are the tax payers of Rutland  going to let this rotten council squander £90,000 of its money
on more  ill advised legal activity?

Bevan Brittan have already robbed the tax payer of over £10,000

£8,000 for the recent report and £2350.00 back in 2010. 


Private Eye, Rutland County Council, Bullying, Irked, Silliest Council, Bevan Brittan, Sinister, Roger Begy, Helen Briggs, Rutland  Anti Corruption Party

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Rutland County Council, Protest Posters, Private Eye, The Anti Corruption Party

Rutland County Council, Protest Posters, Private Eye, The Anti Corruption Party

Today the Rutland Anti Corruption Councillors had planned another protest
outside the offices of Rutland County Council. Supporter turned up and the
Anti Corruption Councillors did not. Cllr Richard Gale said the protest was
called of for various reasons.

Below are some posters I photographed, The Chief Executive Helen Briggs
was not seen. Her number two Carol Chamber was spotted peeking from
an upstairs window. Her snow leopard high heeled booties and matching
coat and loose fitting leggings could not disguise her as she left the building
pretending not to notice the posters.

Democracy is Dead see Private Eye Page 15

This RCC RUMP has sat too long

Those who question Mrs Briggs and her Tory Councillors are
shown the above notice.

Omerta Rules OK ?  (deep-rooted "code of silence" i think that is the meaning
I was told the face depicts Helen Briggs the hair colour I can see...

Transparency Lite R.C.C.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Private Eye, The Rotten Borough, Helen Briggs, Aman Mehra, Rutland Anti Corruption Party, Leicestershire Police

In this weeks Private Eye you can read about the Rotten Borough.

The article is about the Rutland County Council, The Chief Executive Helen Briggs
The tragic suicide that Iron Boots hopes will go away.

Sadly it mentions a pensioner who received a threatening phone call
after she wrote a letter to the Rutland Times. "keep you nose out" she was told.

When I first started making comments about our bullying councils and their friends,
I received a phone call from a woman she said "we know where you live"

Christmas 2010 I received a call from a man threatening "to do me in"

The police tell me the call originated from a payphone at Leicester Hospital.
I do not believe they made any effort to trace the call because as was the case then
and now, the number is a fax line not a payphone. When I google the number it suggests
it's a Tilton On The Hill Number, Some research led me to find this is the prefered
location for The Rutland Tories to hold their meetings. Sgt Foster was put in charge
of this so it does not surprise me nothing was achieved, He once said "I deserve all
I get"

Then there were the despicable depraved letters, many binned when Inspector Monks
was based in Oakham, the grave stone order and then my arrest earlier this year which
When ten people some Councillors led by Tory Councillor Gene Plews lied to police.
All claiming I stalk them. The CPS were critical of the police. I am attempting to obtain
a copy of the report using FOI. Then there are their homophobic blogs and twitter accounts,
which Leicester Police seem to be having great difficulty in tracing. I am sure if I set  up
something similar attacking them or the local council they would be knocking on my door the
same day.

I do hope the old lady is not subject to the same bullying I have suffered over
the last 5+ years.

The people connected to the local Tory Party are very nasty cowardly bullies.

If you are critical of local governance her in Rutland, you have to keep looking over
your shoulder. Looking out for Briggs, Beggy, King and Plews  Bullies, The first three
described as that in a email I once received from the lapsed Tory now Anti Corruption
Party member, The last from my own personal experience.


Copies of Private Eye have sold out in many local newsagents this week, Tesco Oakham still has
a few copies.

From today’s Private Eye, Rotten Boroughs, page 15

Strange goings on in Britain’s smallest county.  On the morning of 15 June, Aman Mehra, Rutland council’s “Director of Places”, was confronted in the council offices by chief executive Helen Briggs.  She told him he was suspended indefinitely and escorted him off the premises.  That evening, he was found hanged at his home in Leicester.  An inquest concluded he had taken his own life and recorded a narrative verdict.  The court heard that “disciplinary” letters were found in his car, but their contents were not revealed.  Colleagues say  that Mehra, 42, was honest, well-liked and appeared to have no problems.  Family members, however, say that he had complained of being “ marginalised” at work and was worried after “discovering things that he shouldn't have”.

Since Mehtra’s death, a group of three independent councillors formed the “Rutland Anti-Corruption Party” after asking questions about a number of property sales of which the details seemed sketchy.  The councillors were reduced to making freedom of information requests to the council in an attempt to see relevant files and documents.

Last month, Rutland responded by paying law firm Bevan-Brittan £8,000 to “investigate” the Anti-Corruption Party.  This was presumably a roundabout way of threatening libel proceedings, on the grounds that to say one is “anti-corruption” may suggest that corruption exists.

Meanwhile, in late November, a pensioner who wrote to a local paper calling for “openness and transparency” about Mehra’s death received an anonymous phone call warning her to “keep her nose out”.  Multum in Parvo indeed.”