Monday, February 25, 2013

Cllr Nick Wainwright, Rutland County Council, Computer issue

In accordance with a memo received from the IT Manager on the 10th January 2013, I have been trying to arrange an appointment with the IT department in order to collect my RCC Computer.  This would then enable me to access and send my GCSX Emails.  I guess the reason why I have not received a response is because they are responding to my GCSX Account.
Would it be possible to ask a representative of IT to call me to let me know when I can come in and collect the RCC computer.
I know under the terms of my SPOC that you will not respond to my private email address so will you please excuse me if I re-send this email in 48 hours’ time in the event that I haven’t had a response.
Kind regards
Nick Wainwright