Showing posts with label Cllr Nick Wainwright. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cllr Nick Wainwright. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Cllr Nick Wainwright, No Longer A Oakham School Trustee

Mr Nick Wainwright was appointed as a trustee in 2010

Nick, who is an Old Oakhamian, lives in Oakham with his wife, Elena and their daughter Eleanor, who is a day pupil.

The Wainwright family have close ties with the school. Nick’s brothers attended the school, his father was a trustee and his mother founded and ran the Oakham School Nursery.

 He is also a UKIP Rutland County Councillor.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Cllr Nick Wainwright, Rutland County Council, Computer issue

In accordance with a memo received from the IT Manager on the 10th January 2013, I have been trying to arrange an appointment with the IT department in order to collect my RCC Computer.  This would then enable me to access and send my GCSX Emails.  I guess the reason why I have not received a response is because they are responding to my GCSX Account.
Would it be possible to ask a representative of IT to call me to let me know when I can come in and collect the RCC computer.
I know under the terms of my SPOC that you will not respond to my private email address so will you please excuse me if I re-send this email in 48 hours’ time in the event that I haven’t had a response.
Kind regards
Nick Wainwright

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cllr Nick Wainwright, Rutland Anti-Corruption Party, Unedited Letter to the Editor of The Rotland Times & Rotland Mercury

Nick’s original letter to the Rutland Times/Rutland Mercury

Dear Editor,

I would like to thank the huge number of Rutland residents who have contacted both myself and my colleagues Dave Richardson and Richard Gale by email, letter and phone to express their incredulity at the ridiculous actions being taken by Rutland County Council towards the members of the Rutland Anti-Corruption Party.  It is heartening to have such strong support from the Community we represent.  I am pleased to say that the recent publicity has sparked both national and international interest.

I am very saddened that RCC have adopted this approach and even more when I hear our local MP, who has said on several occasions that he doesn't get involved in local matters, Barleythorpe being a prime example, deride and condemn us on the BBC and say that we should stand down for doing exactly what we are elected to do.  Even more so when nobody has produced a shred of evidence to support the claim made by the Chief Executive that we have harassed officers or defamed the Council.  If anybody has been defamed or harassed it is the three of us, with what has been erroneously published is the newspapers and stated on the radio in interviews with Roger Begy and Alan Duncan. 

They have chosen this action to avoid answering the very important questions that we have been asking about the administration of your Council. By not answering our questions and now attempting to silence the three of us it would seem even more likely that they have something to hide.  What are they so afraid of?

The Prime Minister David Cameron nominated Ken Clarke as the coalition’s Anti-Corruption Champion.  I am sure they don't believe it implies that every other member of the Cabinet is corrupt.  The choice of name for our Group does nothing more that state the principles for which we stand.   There are numerous examples in the UK of organisations with the words Anti-Corruption in their name. We are just one of many.

We will not give up, whatever action they take.  If they gag us, others will follow. We understand that a member of the public who wrote a letter of support was summoned to a meeting with Roger Begy on Friday and asked why he was supporting us.  He was then told that the Council were going to seek an injunction to prevent us from speaking out openly.

We believe in the truth, openness and full transparency that is all. What is wrong about that? These are the fundamental moral principles on which democracy is based. To change the name of our Group would send a signal to the world at large that we condone corrupt ways.  We do not.  We never have, nor ever will.

I hope you appreciate our views. 
Kind regards,

Nick Wainwright
Rutland Anti-Corruption Party

Monday, August 27, 2012

Cllr Nick Wainwright Rutland Anti Corruption Ashwell Enterprise Centre

Ashwell Enterprise Centre

A number of people have asked me exactly what the Ashwell Enterprise Centre is, and where about it is.
Well, the Ashwell Enterprise Centre was an initiative undertaken by Rutland County Council in 2008 as the Recession was starting to bite.  It was funded through a grant from GOEM (The Government office for the East Midlands) at a cost of approximately £400k.   The project was led by Councillor King.
The site is located on the Ashwell Road, on a site owned by RCC that used to be used as a Highways Depot and Road Salt Storage Area, just past the former prison and immediately before the Ashwell Village Centre.
The money was spent refurbishing some of the existing buildings on the site to create 10 number small industrial units that could be rented out to local businesses.
There are currently 8 of the 10 units available, (August 2012) so if anybody is interested, please contact RCC Property Services Department who will be only too pleased to help you.  We would also ask that you contact this web page to let us know exactly how you got on.


1 Comment

  • Terry King said 

    Mr Wainwright has a few errors in his blog which it may be useful to correct. The Units were converted at a cost of £142,000 using grants from EMDA. From Tuesday 28.8.12, 8 units will have tenants and 2 are used by RCC temporarily to avoid paying rent elsewhere. These Units are let to allow new or small growing businesses to grow with flexible terms so turnover will be experienced. For details see http://www.rutland.gov.uk/business.aspx
    Terry King, Deputy Leader, RCC

Cllr Nick Wainwright Retired Tory Anti Corruption Party Rutland County Council

Cllr Nick Wainwright Retired Tory Anti Corruption Party Rutland County Council
Nick Wainwright
Nick was educated at Burley Road Primary and Oakham School before gaining a degree in Construction Technology. He was a Client Project Manager on major international private and public sector projects throughout the world, in the field of technical security. In 1996 he was appointed by Her Majesty's Government as Project Manager to build the new British Embassy in Moscow, the largest project ever undertaken from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office. He has since acted as advisor to a number of foreign governments in relation to secure construction and the identification of security weaknesses in existing facilities.
He was elected to the County Council in 2007 as Conservative Councillor for the ward of Langham then in 2011 as an Independent. He believes strongly that national politics should not encroach on County decisions.
Nick is a governor of Catmose College and a Trustee of Oakham School.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Cllr Nick Wainwright Rutland County Council

Dear Cllr Nick Wainwright, Rutland County Council,

There are two posts on my blog relating to you.

One records when you parked your car illegally including a photograph.

This was posted to show fairness as I am often being accused of being biased and unfair towards Oakham Town Councillors,
so unfortunately you were the first RCC Councillor.

Another relating to the FaceBook your application "I share sex with my friends"

I also commented about your e-mail, you sent to me telling me "never to contact you last year."

People like exaggerate the content of my blog. Especially town Councillors. When most people read they find its not true.
Yes I sometimes rant, but that is caused by two years off bullying by this group. That includes Rutland County Council, RATS, Arts for Rutland, Oakham Town Council, Oakham Festival.

To be honest the most offensive content on my blog are the homophobic comments and comments of a sexual nature posted from Rutland County Councils, Chamber.

In the past e-mails and comments posted have been sent to me and Town Councillors signed Nick, I feel the Tory Mob would like people to think they originated from you.

I hope this reply satisfies your curiosity.


Martin Brookes

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Wainwright
To: 'Martin Brookes Oakham Rutland'
Sent: Fri, Feb 18, 2011 9:14 am
Subject: I am curious

I am curious.  I understand from a number of sources that you have been posting comments about me on your web site  which are to put it mildly, far from complimentary.    I am curious to know what I may have done to offend you?  I have done my best as a County Councillor over the course of the past 3 ¾ years to represent the views of the people of Rutland.  I find the political machinations of RCC abhorrent.  This is why I have dissociated myself from Roger Begy, Terry King and Peter Jones.  I do not think and never have that Party Politics plays any part in County Council matters.  We are here to serve the people.  To this end I have always tried and quite often succeeded in solving problems for people, even though in doing so I have suffered the wrath of both the Leader and his entourage and the Chief Executive and her officers.  I am a great supported of Richard Gale as I am sure you are aware and we share many common ideas,, the most important of which is that we want the County Council to represent the people of Rutland and not to serve the needs of a selective group.  It is not an Old Boys/Gils Club.
So why, given that we have never crossed swords or had any form of disagreement either in public or private would you chose to write in the way that people say you have written about me on your blog?  If I have offended you in some way, please let me know and I will try and rectify the wrong.
Kind regards
Nick Wainwright
Nick Wainwright
)   +44 750 150 5274
'  +44 157 275 5313
:   +44 203 289 7772
4 The Dell, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6JG
P Please don't print this email unless you really need to.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Rutland County Cllr Nick Wainwright likes send sex to your friends (App). ?

Recent FaceBook Activity of Conservative Rutland County Councillor Nick Wainwright
I always wondered what Councillors did with there i phones and computers at meetings, so I took a peek. 
I wonder who he is sending Sex to.  is it one of his newer friends shown below?

Cllr Terrance King?

or another of his face book friends Chief Executive Helen Briggs? 

I did not check out the application as it was not designed by facebook.



Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cllr Nick Wainwright Rutland County Council Budget

A explanation for Councillor Nick Wainrights absence from Rutland County Council Question Time
The email below has been leaked to Oakileaks please keep sending all your info on Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council to: martinbrookes@london.com

From: nmwainwright@hotmail.com
To: josie2112@hotmail.com
CC: RBegy@rutland.gov.uk
Subject: 110120.Public Meeting 19th January RCC
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 21:26:03 +0000

Hi Joscelyne,
I was intending to attend the meeting last night as a member of the audience.  Everybody was invited to hear the Cabinet explain and take questions on  their budget proposals.
As Chairman of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee I chaired a scrutiny panel which reviewed the budget proposals at a meeting last week and debated the proposals with Roger Begy and officers.  Our comments and debate were recorded for the public.
Unfortunately I was working in London yesterday and I was unavoidably detained.  I didn’t get back to Oakham until well after 10pm.
I am sorry that I was not available to comment at the meeting, but in truth, all questions should be directed to Roger Begy and the Cabinet,  and they  in turn should invite the drafting Officers to answer in the event that he was unable to.  After all, the budget was prepared by the Cabinet in conjunction with senior officers, not by the Scrutiny Committees, we are merely given the opportunity to review the proposals and can take no credit for the content.
Kind regards
Nick Wainwright
Nick Wainwright
)   +44 773 807 8608
'  +44 157 275 5313
:   +44 203 289 7772
4 The Dell, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6JG
P Please don't print this email unless you really need to.