Showing posts with label Rutland Anti-Corruption Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rutland Anti-Corruption Party. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cllr Nick Wainwright, Rutland Anti-Corruption Party, Unedited Letter to the Editor of The Rotland Times & Rotland Mercury

Nick’s original letter to the Rutland Times/Rutland Mercury

Dear Editor,

I would like to thank the huge number of Rutland residents who have contacted both myself and my colleagues Dave Richardson and Richard Gale by email, letter and phone to express their incredulity at the ridiculous actions being taken by Rutland County Council towards the members of the Rutland Anti-Corruption Party.  It is heartening to have such strong support from the Community we represent.  I am pleased to say that the recent publicity has sparked both national and international interest.

I am very saddened that RCC have adopted this approach and even more when I hear our local MP, who has said on several occasions that he doesn't get involved in local matters, Barleythorpe being a prime example, deride and condemn us on the BBC and say that we should stand down for doing exactly what we are elected to do.  Even more so when nobody has produced a shred of evidence to support the claim made by the Chief Executive that we have harassed officers or defamed the Council.  If anybody has been defamed or harassed it is the three of us, with what has been erroneously published is the newspapers and stated on the radio in interviews with Roger Begy and Alan Duncan. 

They have chosen this action to avoid answering the very important questions that we have been asking about the administration of your Council. By not answering our questions and now attempting to silence the three of us it would seem even more likely that they have something to hide.  What are they so afraid of?

The Prime Minister David Cameron nominated Ken Clarke as the coalition’s Anti-Corruption Champion.  I am sure they don't believe it implies that every other member of the Cabinet is corrupt.  The choice of name for our Group does nothing more that state the principles for which we stand.   There are numerous examples in the UK of organisations with the words Anti-Corruption in their name. We are just one of many.

We will not give up, whatever action they take.  If they gag us, others will follow. We understand that a member of the public who wrote a letter of support was summoned to a meeting with Roger Begy on Friday and asked why he was supporting us.  He was then told that the Council were going to seek an injunction to prevent us from speaking out openly.

We believe in the truth, openness and full transparency that is all. What is wrong about that? These are the fundamental moral principles on which democracy is based. To change the name of our Group would send a signal to the world at large that we condone corrupt ways.  We do not.  We never have, nor ever will.

I hope you appreciate our views. 
Kind regards,

Nick Wainwright
Rutland Anti-Corruption Party