Showing posts with label Councillor Terry King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Councillor Terry King. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2012

Cllr Nick Wainwright Rutland Anti Corruption Ashwell Enterprise Centre

Ashwell Enterprise Centre

A number of people have asked me exactly what the Ashwell Enterprise Centre is, and where about it is.
Well, the Ashwell Enterprise Centre was an initiative undertaken by Rutland County Council in 2008 as the Recession was starting to bite.  It was funded through a grant from GOEM (The Government office for the East Midlands) at a cost of approximately £400k.   The project was led by Councillor King.
The site is located on the Ashwell Road, on a site owned by RCC that used to be used as a Highways Depot and Road Salt Storage Area, just past the former prison and immediately before the Ashwell Village Centre.
The money was spent refurbishing some of the existing buildings on the site to create 10 number small industrial units that could be rented out to local businesses.
There are currently 8 of the 10 units available, (August 2012) so if anybody is interested, please contact RCC Property Services Department who will be only too pleased to help you.  We would also ask that you contact this web page to let us know exactly how you got on.


1 Comment

  • Terry King said 

    Mr Wainwright has a few errors in his blog which it may be useful to correct. The Units were converted at a cost of £142,000 using grants from EMDA. From Tuesday 28.8.12, 8 units will have tenants and 2 are used by RCC temporarily to avoid paying rent elsewhere. These Units are let to allow new or small growing businesses to grow with flexible terms so turnover will be experienced. For details see http://www.rutland.gov.uk/business.aspx
    Terry King, Deputy Leader, RCC

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Conservative, Councillor Terry King, Rutland, County Council

Today I received a  email from Conservative Rutland County Councillor Terry King, 
It is in my view a very unprofessional and a perfect example of his bullying character style.
Some may say may response to him is very professionally but then I don't claim to be professional.

He claims copyright on his email what rubbish, It is so long I am going to ignore it 
T C King
This email and its contents are the copywrite of T C King and permission is given to reproduce it only in full, otherwise permission is denied.

and publish offending sections in the public interest to show who the real Mr King they have just re-elected. I can not believe a serving Councillor and Cabinet member can think he can get away with this.

He says:
As someone who is a Director of a local company I am personally horrified that our once respected Town Council will be represented by yourself from May 9th. Your pointless web blog is damaging not only the opportunities for some who wish to seek employment and it is also at risk of damaging the businesses of the Town you claim to work for.  The reasons why so few people have stood to serve the Town through the Town Council is a matter your actions have had a big negative influence on. 
I must assure you I have neither the interest or the time to want to show any interest in you or your Blog and I suspect  most people who come into contact with you would wish to have no further contact with you?

I am sure as you will be a servant of the public again from May 9th, perhaps you can put the large amounts of time you appear to have on your hands to a more constructive use?

Your treatment of some hard working members of the community leaves a lot to be desired as do your communication skills.

If you feel it acceptable to be abusive and the publisher of inaccuracies and lies, then I may in future take the opportunity to challenge your views and your actions. 

I sincerely hope your period on the Town Council does no more damage to the good name of the Town and its residents.

Well Councillor King I am sure I can't do any more damage than this http://martinbrookes.blogspot.com/2011/05/how-rutland-conservatives-celebrated.html  I most certainly don't behave like those local dignatories. As we all now know this party was attended by many former Councillors and Mayors and one even posted a video on You Tube for the whole world to see I don't think my blog can match that shame brought upon our town.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Helen Briggs Councillor King the nuclear option and the Hawksmead Row at Rutland County Council

Nuclear Warfare at Rutland County Council.

The attached email shows nuclear war nearly broke out at Rutland Council last Christmas.

Councillor Mr Richard J Gale (Independent) - OAKHAM NORTH WEST WARD in an attempt to assist a member of the public suggested the council had failed her.

This made Councillor Mr Terry C King (Conservative) - EXTON WARD (Deputy Leader of the Council) overreact (email comment made by Geoff Pook to Helen Briggs Chief Executive)

It was decided the sub-nuclear option may be the preferred option.

At the same time the Council was embroiled in a huge row about Hawksmead.

Geoff Pook attempted to calm matters and Mrs Briggs the "Lean and Mean Queen" 
said she did not agree with Geoff and is very angry with Councillor Gales behaviour.

This explains why she walked home and said she was attending an important meeting instead of attending the meeting to answer the public question.

Click on images to enlarge