Monday, February 04, 2013

Rutland County Council Planning department "the worst in the East Midlands"

Once again Rutland  County Council's own performance report highlight  further failing of the planning

The only department that the Tory Council won't contract out to any other nearby council.

Planning is I hear often used by this Tory Council as a weapon to inflict agony and pain against Rutland

106 payments  often being the ammunition, we can read in the national press figures asked of private
residents, which can only be described as full blown greed, nothing better can be expected from this antiquated  council, that has nine million in long term reserves.


A significant backlog of undecided planning applications had built up in
planning over 2012/13 and as a result the performance against national
indicators was the worst in the East Midlands. The Development
Control team has focussed on reducing this backlog and actively
managing new cases to ensure they offer an enhanced and faster
service.The current performance in Quarter 3 is higher than the year to date
figures, demonstrating the impact of this change in focus. For Quarter 3
two of the three indicators, PI157a (Processing of planning applications
– major) and PI157b (Processing of planning applications – minor) have
now turned green, for the year to date PI157a is now green, with
PI157c (Processing of planning applications – other) now almost green.
The actual performance on more recent applications is much higher
and is only below target due to the backlog. Along with the service
efficiencies flowing from the imminent introduction of new computer
software and streamlined administrative procedures within the Planning
Support Team, performance on these indicators should see further
improvements in 2013/14.