Friday, April 26, 2013

Bail Conditions and Changes Loughborough Magistrates Court

Bail Conditions and Changes Loughborough Magistrates Court.

Yesterday I was arrested by Leicestershire Police in Oakham Market Place.

One plain clothes officer and at least six uniformed officers turned up to decide
if I had breached my bail by publishing and flyposting empty shops with
a leaflet naming the councillor who was arrested in January and is currently
on bail until the 30th September.

Even though they have admitted their disgusting crimes, Leicestershire Police say
they are entitled to privacy until they are charged.

I don't agree, I might have agreed if they had denied any knowledge of the crimes.

It is still my view  they should resign from Oakham Town Council.

The loop hole in my bail condition's has now been filled so I can not publish any more
details about that councillor in any form of publication.

Leafleting cars has got me banned from Rutland County Council car parks.

The major breach according to the police was an image displayed on the right of my template
on this blog; it depicted a person committing a crime and they are annoyed and possibly embarrassed.
and use the police to get it removed. this possibly should have been civil action not criminal.

I have now been ordered to remove that image as the police believe each new blog post
represents a republication of that image and a breach of bail.

Speaking after my court appearance the DS in the case said he was trying to help.
It is a great pity Leicestershire Police did not offer help in 2009 when these bullies
started their campaign.

He also said he felt the police have been manipulated by the others in the past.
If that is the case then why not take action against them and why prosecute the victim of years of malicious hate crimes?

The DS said I raise many good points but in his view I don't say it in the correct way.

The only good thing I got out of the whole experience last night was the spin in the forces
new BMW and chat with two fit officers......