Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Extra Meeting of the Council, Oakham Town Council

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 7:00pm
Extra Meeting of the Council
Town Council Offices
Victoria Hall
39 High Street
LE15 6AH
All are welcome to attend
Hard copies of supporting documentation are available free of charge on request
There is an extra meeting of Oakham Town Council
I have not yet been able to see the agenda. 
I wonder if the extra meeting has been called to oust the councillor and his friends
the one who is responsible for this perverted blog,  http://oakhamslaughingstocks.blogspot.co.uk/2010/04/public-laughing-stock.html  their conduct along with other town councillors
and the Clerk and former councillors has led to the current events in my life.
I very much doubt it as they tend to deal with these issues down at the local 
pub or the police station over tea with the Inspector or a JAG meeting.

It is disgusting in a democratic free country no one can name a serving councillor
without fear of going to prison, when that councillors have conducted themselves in such a depraved
They have admitted in two police statements that they have carried out criminal activity
over the past five years, because they were told I am nuts?
Thanks Oakham Town  Council and Rutland County Council and your hangers and 
Oakham Police
for supporting this twisted pervert for all those years.