Monday, April 08, 2013

Rutland County Council Meeting 8th April 2013 Anti corruption

Rutland County Council Meeting 8th April 2013

Tory Controlled Rutland County Council was not flying its flag at half mast like many other Tory councils.

There was no mention of the departing of the Iron Lady.

We were treated to the normal pre-meeting prayers.

And just before that a presentation from the Tory Chairman, on how to down a Mars bar in two attempts
washed down with a can of diet coke.

Cllr Alan Walters was late.

Cllr Gene Plews hobbled in on crutches, clearly in a lot of pain after his recent operation. Not nice to
see anyone suffering pain.

The meeting swiftly progressed to item 6 questions from Members of the council.

Tory Cllr Baines asked a question about the following blog entry.

Letter to the Editor
It was interesting to read the article by our MP, Mr Alan Duncan, titled; “We have to get on top of our debt and deficit”. I wholeheartedly agree and to do so one has to look at every area of spending. Currently one of the largest areas of spending is Local Authorities, which includes Rutland Council, yet when 3 Councillors strive to raise areas of concern and suggest ways of making a significant difference, our MP, rather than engage with them, chooses to vilify them.
We raised concerns about spending £1.26M on a clapped out business centre to create a new 06th Form College a mile out of Town in a restraint Village, with residents that objected strongly to our MP. We raised the issue that Rutland Council could have purchased the existing Rutland College for £3M less than they spent creating a new one. We strongly objected to squandering £0.5M putting a greenhouse over the existing clapped out swimming pool (A swimming pool they are now talking about replacing). We put forward a scheme to provide a purpose built sports centre, theatre, library, community centre and new Catmose College that was £10M cheaper than the College now built without many of those facilities (A College that is more “aKing” to a prison or airport terminal than something in keeping with Rutland). We said spending £0.65M on a new football pitch in the wrong location was a waste of money. This is just a small part of a list that is endless.
Recently Rutland Council spent £1.3M buying a prison for a Business Park; at a time when industrial units remain empty everywhere. However, the Prison was supposed to have been placed on the “Open Market”, yet never was when there were businessmen prepared to pay in the order of £5M for the site, so again the taxpayer potentially loses £3.7M, why has Mr Duncan not looked into this.
When I first became a Councillor I wrote concerned that the staffing level at Rutland Council was increasing from 220 to 330, it now stands at 550. That extra wage bill alone is in the order of £5M, when the services now provided by Rutland Council have significantly reduced.
So, in just a few examples we are talking many millions for a tiny Authority such as Rutland, just think how that replicates around the Country, however, Councillors raising concerns about excessive expenditure are being deliberately blocked in going about their proper business and being vilified by the likes of Mr Alan Duncan.
Rather than telling us what the problem is Mr Duncan, why not show some action, you could even start by looking more closely at your own expenses, especially as the grass cutting season fast approaches.
David Richardson
Councillor, Oakham South West

Cllr King responded and tells me that his full response will be available with the published minutes.

He referred to the Anti Corruption Groups Blog as a little know blog
He can not recall Cllr Richardson asking any questions
The Group had failed to respond to his question sent to them last year.
Rutland County Council was not offered the chance to buy the old college site.

Swimming Pool, the council has looked at purchasing a new public pool, this would cost £3.7 million  The current pool has served its purpose well.
He is Horrified Cllr Richardson describes Catmose College as a prison. (When I visited the School some
pupils told me the security fence and security gates made them feel like they were in Prison)

Cllr King said it was beyond belief that Cllr Richardson felt the councils purchase of the former prison for £1.3 million was nor value for money.

Staff Figures its all smoke and mirrors said Cllr King, I wont say Cllr Richardson is constantly attacking me, i will say he is constantly attack the departments I work with. 
Cllr King thanked God that Cllr Richardson was not working on the councils budget. due to his made up figures.
Cllr Baines was allowed a supplementary question
He asked to Cllr King to confirm staffing figures and costs.
Cllr King said Rutland County Council employs 405 full time staff.
He compared the wage bill 2006 -2007 £11.3 million and 2011 - 2012 £11.48 million.
When the minutes are published the full respone fro Cllr King will be available by visiting the councils website by clicking on link below: