Friday, May 10, 2013

oakham town council election 2013

This evening 10 residents signed a request to call an election in one of the wards with to vacant seats.

A copy will be sent to oakham town councils clerk. a copy has been emailed to rutland county council democratic services. The original rope be hand delivered on monday.

After speaking with a number of residents many who are fed up with our councils I  am looking forward to representing them and I be standing at  election.

I am also forward to receiving an explanation from the town councillor who has published depraved filth about me. I may  even them with a celebration carrot.

If I am successfully elected there could be an issue of police interference in politics  and the democratic process due to DS McDonalds bail conditions. Because leicestershire police have banned me from council meetings and council premises.

odly he told me not to interfere in other peoples politics.
Sounds like Leicestershire need lessons to learn about peoples political freedoms.