Friday, May 10, 2013

Benefit fraud allegations

What ever next oakham town  council and your friends.

Once again some one has wasted taxpayers money by making false allegations against me.

A compliance officer has contacted me from job centre plus they used to be called benefit fraud office.

Someone had told him again I sell my photographs.

I am not sure if I am supposed to take it as a compliment that my photographs of a standard that they could be sold.

I doubt it though as many times I have offered the rutland times photographs for free and they have refused to publish them.

I telephoned richard  the compliance officer he explained he will need to visit me on friday the 17th of may to take a formal statement from me. No time has been set for the visit so it looks like I will have to wait in most of the day. He will have to drive from nottingham. What a terrible waste of taxpayers money.

As this has happened more than once I spoke to him about passing on information to leicestershire police because. I consider this  harassment. He told me that job centre plus could possibly provide police with an Ip address or a telephone number.

I visited oakham police station and gave them a letter with his direct number included and as normal jon gower said this is not  harassment.

I remember when a person connected to oakham town council blogged a post asking people to report me to job centre plus 4 not looking for work. They supplied the address of the job centre plus I signed on at.

that reminds meo
This wednesday I met  former mayor jim harrison.  he told me  I was mistaken he said he did not name me on his blog jims tea break. when he publish an article or comment suggesting I was a risk to children I took a look this evening looking at the tags I can clearly see my name along with sponger and other bad descriptions. all very similar to the oakham town councillors blog laughing stocks. the newspaper cutting showing a clear link to both bloggers.

it is very sad search two people who have held high public office can be so bitter.