Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Loughborough Court Bail

At Loughborough Magistrates Court.
Leicestershire Police have indicated that they are seeking to to remand me in custody for breach of bail.

At the weekend I mentioned in a post the authority a complainant worked for.

Allthough I did not mention them by name.

Ds McDonald told me yesterday they would not be arresting me something one would expect to happen within 24hrs of a breach.

I do not believe my posts were a breach and this will be challenged later.

If I am sent to prison dont forget to vote for me on the 27th

Leicestershire Police seem to be clutching at straws throughout my case.

I have had a few conversations with DS McDonald. He tells me he is not liked by Oakham Police.

He confirned charges relating to one ex cllr were to be dropped. Confirming what Cllr Lowe told me on Sunday.

I am quickly learning freedom of speach does not exist here in Rutland. Its hard to believe expressing those freedoms can lead to the risk of prison.